1、MSc Business Analytics
帝国理工学院MSc Business Analytics专业一直以来都排名全英榜首,世界前十。同时帝国理工学院也是有开设商业分析专业较早的大学之一。
帝国理工的商业分析专业主要致力于让学生运用所学的各种统计方法、运营研究和机器学习技术等去解决企业面临的大数据问题。毕业后的学生去向也基本上都是进入到知名的咨询公司,比如:Deloitte,JP Morgan,KPMG,Tesco,United Nations等。
在正式开始学习该专业之前,学校都会提供一些线上的pre-study modules供学生提前了解该专业。整个专业的学习包括了3门预学习课程,9门必修课和5门选修课,课程时长1 year full-time,费用: £32,500 per year。
pre-study modules:
Accounting, Maths and Finance Primers for Business Analytics
Foundations for Career Success
Plagiarism Awareness
Analytics in Business
Data Structures and Algorithms
Fundamentals of Database Technologies
Machine Learning
Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analysis
Network Analytics
Optimisation and Decision Models
Statistics and Econometrics
Advanced Machine Learning
Data Management and Ethics
Digital Marketing Analytics
Energy Analytics
Financial Analytics
Healthcare and Medical Analytics
Logistics and Supply-Chain Analytics
Retail and Marketing Analytics
Workforce Analytics
Service Analytics
入学要求:Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree in a quantitative subject.会倾向于量化课程比较多的专业学生申请,比如:计算机,信管,数学类,经济类等专业背景学生申请。国内211或者985院校建议尽量均分接近90,建议GMAT700+,申请会有面试,录视频的模式,6道题目左右,会有一道写作题。
雅思要求:A minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in all elements.
2、MSc Strategic Marketing
帝国理工学院的MSc Strategic Marketing专业应该算是帝国理工商学院里面比较好录取的专业之一。根据往年的录取统计该专业的录取率在21%以上。2020年QS专业排行榜上,帝国理工学院的的战略营销硕士在市场营销专业领域全球排名第2。
毕业生就业去向:Our graduates are well prepared for jobs in a wide range of industries in the UK, Europe and further afield, with employers including Apple, Google and Universal Music Group.
课程时长也是1 year full-time,开学在每年的9月,费用在£30,700 每年。开学前同样会提供给学生线上的预学习课程。
Accounting Primer
Data Analysis Primer
Maths Primer
Marketing Fundamentals
Plagiarism Awareness
Foundations of Career Success
Study Skills
Market Research
Consumer Behaviour
Strategic Market Management
Marketing Analytics
Digital Marketing
Brand Strategy
Finance and Pricing Strategy
Strategic Product Management
Marketing Decision Making
Relationship Marketing
Entrepreneurial Strategy
研究项目 | Projects:
Applied Strategic Marketing Report (ASMR)
Strategic Marketing Consulting Project
Work Placement
入读要求:Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree in any discipline.
You are also required to have a well-researched career plan with clear short and long term goals.接受任何专业背景的学生,建议211或者985院校均分85+,GMAT建议700+,申请会有面试,录视频的模式。
雅思要求:A minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in all elements.
3、MSc Finance and Accounting
帝国理工学院的MSc Finance and Accounting专业2020QS 世界大学专业排名第 29 位。作为一个工科比较强的院校,会计与金融专业可以排名这么靠前足以体现出IC的实力。
帝国理工学院的MSc Finance and Accounting专业往年的录取比例36%:
帝国理工学院的MSc Finance and Accounting专业课程时长:1 year full-time,学费目前是:£37,500 per year。毕业生去向目前大多数毕业的学生都能去到Deloitte, HSBC and J.P. Morgan等。
Advanced Corporate Finance
Applied Econometrics
Corporate Finance
Ethics and Professional Standards in Finance (Online Module)
Financial Accounting
Fundamentals of Derivatives
Investments and Portfolio Management
Management Accounting
Advanced Financial Accounting
Banks, Regulation and Monetary Policy
Corporate Dealmaking
Corporate Governance and Stewardship
Corporate Law and Corporate Tax Strategy
Entrepreneurial Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
Private Equity and Venture Capital
Real Estate Investment
Advanced Company Valuation
Advanced Financial Statistics
Enterprise Risk Management
International Finance
Structured Credit and Equity Products
Innovation and Strategy in FinTech
Wealth Management and Alternative Investments
Blockchain and Crypto Assets
入读要求:Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree in a quantitative subject.You are also required to have a well-researched career plan with clear short and long term goals.基本上有录取的专业背景是之前提到过的那些。211或者985院校建议均分88+,建议提供700+的GMAT申请。帝国理工学院商科里面为数不多的不需要面试的专业。
雅思要求:A minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in all elements.
4、MSc Economics and Strategy for Business
帝国理工学院的MSc Economics and Strategy for Business专业是帝国理工商学院申请量大的专业之一,申请量大的原因是因为这个专业接受的背景比较广,招收的人数也比较多,申请要求相对来说也比较宽松,一般申请了大概率是能够拿到面试的。往年的录取率:
Corporate Finance
Corporate Strategy
Business Economics
Economics and Strategy for Innovation
Digital Economics and Economic Strategy
Risk Management
Advanced Macroeconomics
Economics of Public Policy Analytics for Applied Economics and Business
Global Business
Energy Business
Economics of Healthcare
Business Sustainability
Information, Incentives and Contracts
Consumer Behaviour
Design Thinking for Innovation
Family Business
Leading Social Innovation
Management, Strategy and Innovation in Fintech
Mergers and Acquisitions (online)
Private Equity (online)
Project Management
Sales Force Management
Venture Capital and Growth Finance
入学要求:Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree which includes introductory courses in micro- and macro-economics, and a basic knowledge of quantitative topics (in particular calculus, statistics and linear algebra).需要学生有学过微观经济、宏观经济,以及基础的计量类课程包括微积分,统计,线性代数等。基本上国内的学生学经济学,会计学,财务管理,国贸,金融学等专业的学生都可以申请。建议国内211或者985院校学生,均分85+,建议考GMAT或者GRE。申请需要面试,同样也是线上录视频的模式。
雅思要求:A minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in all elements.
5、MSc Finance
帝国理工学院的MSc Finance专业好吗?肯定会有很多学生会有疑问,一个工科类院校强势的院校去读金融真的好吗?答案是肯定的。帝国理工学院的金融专业也非常的强,IC商学院较热门的专业之一,也是商学院门槛较高的专业。我们看看往年的录取率:
该专业主要内容和投资银行业务相结合,学生通过对Cooperate Finance的学习,了解公司财务、估值和风险管理的所有关键要素,如何评估个人投资项目、价值公司,以及评估公司提供的资金来源。
Our graduates are well prepared for jobs in the finance industry, such as investment banking, asset management and consultancy. Graduates have pursued careers in the UK, Europe and further afield, with employers including Deloitte, HSBC and J.P. Morgan.
Corporate Finance
Ethics and Professional Standards in Finance (online module)
Financial Econometrics
International Experience Trip
Investments and Portfolio Management
Languages (online module)
Macro Finance
Mathematics for Finance
Advanced Corporate Finance
Advanced Financial Statistics
Advanced Options Theory
Applied Trading Strategies
Asset Allocation & Investment Strategies
Banks, Regulation & Monetary Policy
Big Data in Finance I
Blockchain and Crypto Assets
Careers Leadership Track Part 2(Career and Professional Development Module)
Corporate Dealmaking
Corporate Governance and Stewardship
Credit Risk
Entrepreneurial Finance
Fixed Income Securities
Innovation and Strategy in FinTech
International Finance
Introduction to Quantitative Investing
Machine Learning and Finance
Mergers & Acquisitions
Private Equity and Venture Capital
Real Estate Investment
Structured Credit and Equity Products
Text Mining for Economics and Finance
入学要求:Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree in a highly quantitative subject.根据往年的录取情况来看,会比较接受数学、工程、经济学、金融等专业背景的学生申请,211或者985院校建议均分90+,GMAT建议700+。申请需要面试,同样也是线上录视频的模式。
雅思要求:A minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in all elements.