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Updated on: 2013-03-11


  邮件名: Application Query/Argument/Request+Applicant Number(直截了当,一目了然)

  Dear Sir/Madam/Mr.XXX/Ms XXX(这里不要直呼其名,还是用Title+姓的尊称形式比较好)

  Thank you for your latest notification...(仅限于之前打过交道的,否则忽略此段)

  I am writing to ask/argue...(外国人写信讲究开门见山,不要一开始就云里雾里不知所云,浪费他们的宝贵时间) Firstly,...Secondly,...Thirdly,...(罗列理由,这样让他们能很快抓住重点,每条理由后面可以拓展,比如Specifically,.../More precisely,...这样如果他们有兴趣详细了解也能看到)

  Thank you for your time.(表达感激就可以了,不用说冒昧打扰的客套话,你要这么一提醒他们潜意识还真就觉得你打扰了)


  Applicant Number: XXXXXXXX!

  Email: XXX@XXXXXX.XXX (个人姓名,申请号的相关信息都可以放在最后,如果是放在文反而容易被忽略)




  Dear Susan,

  I am so sorry for troubling you .My name is ***,I applied a postgraduate degree in International Marketing,my applicant Number is 119264***

  As Cranfield University has offered me a place on the MSc in Strategic Marketing.This offer will remain open until 24 November 2011.However ,University of Strathclyde is world-famous, especially at marketing field. The programme content of your esteemed Marketing-related courses are very outstanding and competitive, thus I love this programme very much and want to study in this programme eagerly.

  So could you please process my application first?

  Thanks for your consistent support and help. I am looking forward to your early reply

  Best regards & Many Thanks.


  Dear Madam,

  I am writing to ask if Admissions Office of University of Strathclyde can take my application into account at first. I am awaiting decision of the international marketing programme for year 2012/3.8 e8 \7 ~8 `: K$ G. d

  As far as I know, University of Strathclyde is famous worldwide, especially in the field of marketing-its course modules are outstanding and competitive. Therefore I am looking forward to a place of this programme. However, currently I am faced with a dilemma. Cranfield School of Management has offered me a place of the strategic marketing programme, and required me to decide whether to accept it before 24 Nov. 2011. Hence, I will have to accept this offer in case that University of Strathclyde rejects me if University of Strathclyde is unable to make a decision before the date.

  Honestly, I am admiring University of Strathclyde so much. So please consider my suggestion that you progress my application at first.

  Thanks for your time and consideration.

  Yours sincerely,


  Applicant Number: XXXXXXX




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