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所属栏目:英国留学 >> 语言考试介绍

Updated on: 2012-03-27


on the test card

1) talk about your favorite restaurant.

2) why do you like it?

Sichuan dish features pungent , spicy and salty flavors and tend to go well with rice. Sichuan Restaurant is the largest restaurant in Anyang City. The restauran t is a beautiful , clean and it’s price is cheap. My wife and I often have dinner in the restaurant on the weekend. Stir--Fried Shredded Beef is one of the restaurant’s best dishes. It’s made of fresh tenderloin and celery . Condiments include vinegar, rice wine and ginger etc. When finished cooking , the beef is red and the vegetables are green. The dish is very delicious.

extension of the card topic

1) What is the general ideas about fast food among Chinese people?

Although fast food has little nutritional value , but it is a blessing for busy people .Few people eat fast food all the time-- usually for breakfast and/or lunch--so they can help to balance their diet by eating a sensible evening meal. And I like to eat fast food.

2) what do you think about science in food processing(production)?

Scientific processing(production) is important. Because it can keep us healthy.

3) what is your opinion on food production and the world’s population.

At present, it’s difficult to provide enough food for world’s population.So, on the one hand, we should limit population of world. On the other hand, we should manage to provide enuogh food.




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