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所属栏目:美国留学 >> 美国留学费用

Updated on: 2012-03-31




  1. SAT Reasoning Test / SAT 1报名费用: $45

  2. SAT Subject Tests / SAT 2

  Basic registration fee / 基本注册费: $20

  Language Tests with Listening (add to basic reg. fee) / 带听力的语言测试:(加在基本注册费之上) add $20

  All other Subject Tests (add per test to basic reg. fee) / 其它科目(每科在基本测试费之上增加): add $9

  SAT额外考试费用Additional Processing Fees (add to test fees)

  1. Register by phone (available only if you have registered before) /电话申请注册费用 (只限注册过的考生): $12.50

  2. Change fee (test type, center, or date change)/ 更换考试,考场,考期的费用: $22

  3. Late fee/ 过时附加费: $23

  4. Standby fee/ 申请把自己放在Standby名单的花费: $38

  5. International processing fee (for students testing in countries other than the United States, U.S. territories, and Puerto Rico)/ 国际留学生申请考试的手续费: $26

  6. Additional surcharge for testing in India and Pakistan / 在印度和巴基斯坦的考生额外的收费: $23



  如在香港考点考SAT考试费用为 28.5 + 17.00 = $45.5

  如在香港考点考SAT2生物专项考试总费用为 16.00 + 8.00 + 17.00 = $41.00


  Acceptable Forms of Payment

  Credit cardAmerican Express, Discover, Visa or MasterCard accepted. (Credit cards are not accepted in Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, or Togo.)

  Check or money order Make checks payable to The College Board. Orders received with checks drawn on non-U.S. banks will be returned.

  Other Bank drafts, international money orders, UNESCO coupons (for international registration only).


  We reserve the right to collect payments electronically by check. Checks returned to the College Board for insufficient funds will be represented electronically, and your account will be debited for the amount of the check, plus the state-allowed penalty fee.


  Test and registration fees (including late fees and telephone re-registration fees) cannot be refunded, even if you cancel your test scores or are absent on test day.

  The following fees are refundable only under specific circumstances:

  The Question-and-Answer Service or Student Answer Service are refundable only if your order has not yet been fulfilled or if you missed your test date (for example, you were absent or you had to take a makeup test).

  Additional score reports that you ordered at the time of registration are refundable only if you are absent.

  If you ordered QAS and your order was not fulfilled (for example, because you had to take a makeup test), contact us to find out if you are entitled to a refund. Refunds are processed beginning six weeks after the test date.




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