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所属栏目:英国留学 >> 生活英语

Updated on: 2012-03-28

  I beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love. Easter is coming drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, I wish you a happy!

  I really pity God for giving me the peace and joy bears. Aolian me when I mostly ill treatment? What is suffering? Needless to say anything in the main before!

  I would like to honor the soul of the body was the main use of the rise of life! Thanksgiving cheering for you!

  It is the great revival of the main capabilities, the things he has given us is not useless.

  God help us all from our point of the matter gained power!

  Easter is not used before, when we repent letter owner, Christ lives in our possession has been revived, therefore, said "I no longer alive. I was inside the main alive, "the mystery of how classic!

  God bless our dear sister pay, dictates you would like to have every Christian life full of the Holy Spirit, the grace of Christ Mongolia everything! Amen!

  Today, we are winning the day, we go to Forest Park Evangelical, he was the main attendants to attract many people.

  I beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love is better than no water to put out the dead people Easter is coming-not drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, I wish you a happy!

  Gordian, asked owners are the main answer!

  Miscommunications time for the main, the main road! Sad when close to the main, which was comforting! Looking tired when owners are the main power!

  Lack of taste when owners are the main suppliers. Da - En thank my owner, a significant source of love mercy!

  Love really strange way, to kneel down crime waves washing enough that the Almighty God to suffer shame! Table love the crucifixion, Vox moved out Love!

  Since want to recognize the need to save him, the main goal of Hope desire! Meet with the owners of grace, salvation was first fully safe!



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