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Updated on: 2012-03-28

  2006 World Cup Final

  A: 决赛马上要开始啦,现场气氛好紧张啊。

  A: The final match will be taking place in a minute. I can even sense the tension。

  B: 这是当然了,相信意大利和法国都会派最好的球员去赢得大力神杯的。

  B: Absolutely, I believe Italy and France are going to send their best players to win the World Cup。

  A: 这两只球队的阵容都很强大,你认为谁会赢?

  A: They both have really great squads. Who do you think will be the winner?

  B: 法国队吧,因为他们有齐达内,他是最棒的。

  B: France, because they have Zidane, the best player in the world。


  A: 90分钟的比赛结束了,还没有分出胜负。会不会出现点球决胜呢?

  A: 90 minutes of regulation is over and we don't have a winner. Is this going to be a penalty shootout?

  B: 可能吧,不过加时赛进球也不是不会发生。还记得2000年欧锦赛决赛的进球吗?

  B: Probably, but a goal might just happen in extra time. The golden goal in the final game of Euro 2000, remember?

  A: 怎么回事?齐达内红牌?!不会吧!

  A: What is going on? Zidane, A Red Card?! No!

  B: 齐达内头顶了马特拉齐,他为什么要这么做?太不可思议了!

  B: Zidane headbutted Materazzi, but why did he do that? Unbelievable!

  A: 我预感到法国队要输了,就在齐达内杯罚下后。

  A: I see France losing this game, as Zidane is being sent off。

  B: 看来点球大战不可避免了。我决定不看点球了,我要去缓一缓。

  B: It seems a shootout is inevitable. I'd rather not see that. I need a moment



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