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Updated on: 2012-03-31

  As I stepped up to the platform to complete the cross-examination, a softball-sized knot took shape in my stomach. I prayed that my vocal cords would not fail me. Preparing to question the prosecution’s key witness, I knew that my performance would determine whether my team left the courtroom with the smiles of victors or the furrowed brows of the defeated.

  With the weight of the team resting directly on my shoulders, I began my interrogation. Immediately, the opposing barrister shot me the most hostile glance I had ever encountered.

  I ignored him. As I slowly questioned the witness, I realised that my questioning was tearing holes in the witness’ story. My nervousness faded away and confidence took its place. After I asked my last question, I sat down, relieved and jubilant, but presenting a calm exterior; if I had openly expressed the full extent of my joy, security might have thrown me out of the courtroom.

  I had just presented a case in front of a fictitious County Court Judge as part of my college’s pilot ‘Law-In-Practice Program.’ As a student in the college’s

  A-level law program, I had expected to take part in this activity to enjoy myself, explore a possible career, and enhance useful skills such as public speaking. My teachers, family and friends had always insisted that I would make an excellent solicitor because of my skill at convincing others through logical and persuasive argumentation. Before the program, however, I had limited exposure to the field, having worked as a court clerk for only a few hours.

  I left that day, armed with a victory, but also with a career plan and substantive knowledge of the law. Through participating in cases such as this one, I now understand much more about the components of a trial, from the basic proceedings, to the strategies used by barristers, to the diverse opinions expressed by judges. I saw just how much hard work it requires to successfully try cases; I often met with my coaches and teammates on nights and weekends to work on our case strategies.

  My efforts paid off. At the end of the year, our team performed well and I ended up winning an ‘Outstanding Student Award.’ More important than the award, however, was the realization that I had found my future career-in a courtroom. This time, however, the cases will be real.

  Very few principles are more integral to the structure of society than the establishment and enforcement of law. Practising law would enable me to participate in that natural process. I would be involved in decisions that would impact history and humanity, while also seeing that each of my individual cases receives justice. For this reason, I would drive myself to continue learning throughout my lifetime, aware of the important responsibility I would undertake in this role.

  Studying law will provide an excellent foundation for me to pursue a career as a solicitor or barrister. Because of my philosophical nature, however, I may choose to focus on the social context in which law and lawyers operate.

  Studying law stretches the imagination. My feelings echo in the words of French writer Jean Giraudoux: ‘There is no better way to exercise the imagination than the study of the law. No artist ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth’. I am confident that I will succeed as a law student and look forward to applying the knowledge I learn at university for the greater good of all. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take part in the mock trial, as I now begin my path towards practicing law in reality.



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