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Updated on: 2012-03-31

  Early in my career, I had the opportunity to expand my microbiology knowledge by working in the laboratory department for Proctor and Gamble, testing new biological and non-biological detergents.

  During the last two years, I have played an integral role in designing new biological powders. In particular, the most recent experiment involved testing a new biological tablet. During the product qualification trial the protease cleaning mechanisms failed miserably. In order to get the product to market we had to work swiftly to find enzymes to combat the protein part of a stain. Within a couple of weeks, after many different experiments, we successfully created a product with the maximum stain performance.

  Taking what I have learned in the workplace and applying it to the pursuit of knowledge in an academic setting is my current goal.

  Now, at the age of twenty-nine, I have learned many important things about myself that I did not know. I have reached a time of deep thought and expectation about how to structure my future career. While I have a strong background in Enzyme development, I lack a comprehensive understanding of the wider scientific skills that I will need to move up the career ladder.

  Through my part time studies at college I am fascinated by cellular neuroscience, and continue to be intrigued by the intricate workings of the human body, how complicated it is and yet how simple. The satisfaction of making new discoveries in and out of the classroom has made my education a delightful journey, which I now intend to continue.

  I have successfully maintained a balance between my work and personal life by having many interests. I enjoy listening to live music and I have enjoyed travelling. This has enabled me to gain experience of other cultures and to reap the rewards of meeting new people.

  I reached my decision to pursue a degree knowing that I have researched the option thoroughly, and knowing that I possess the attributes to be an excellent student.

  During my studies I envision staying with my present employer, Proctor and Gamble, and after graduation move into a senior management position.

  In five years I aim to be running a laboratory department. My career goals, leadership abilities, and scientific skills will all benefit from the course. The university learning will augment my scientific experiences and enable me to achieve these goals.

  My working life has given me a clear sense of self-knowledge and I believe that studying Consumer Science at University will provide the academic qualities needed to reach my goals.



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