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Updated on: 2012-03-14

优越教育一直致力于打造先进于业内的高端留学服务,为了能够进一步保持提升服务品质,本公司正在进一步扩大我们的服务团队,让更多的人才加入到优越教育的大家庭。有意向者可以以 “有意向职位 + 姓名”为标题,把您的简历以邮件方式发送至reruit@peinternational.co.uk (伦敦) china.recruit@peinternational.co.uk (中国)


 1. (伦敦区 London)销售经理 Sales Manager 


Basic Information

Workplace: London Job Type: Permanent
Benefits and Salaries: Basic+commission+bonus, and paid holiday, etc Experiences: Preferred
Required Education: Master's F/P: Full Time
Required language: Chinese and English    


Main Responsibility

Based on the research on the requirements in the market of overseas education consultancy, collecting the updated information of the newest reforms in the UK education system and Liaising with other senior staff to determine our services.
Participating the development of sales strategies.
Discussing client's requirements, carrying out work related to client's needs.
Producing reports and recommendations converting marketing and sales strategies, helping improve company's products and services, and increasing the competitiveness in the markets.
Checking documents that needed for applications and contacting the universities/colleges to arrange the interview or tests for clients.




Eligible to work in the UK.
Professional level in Chinese (Mandarin), including speaking, listening and writing is a must.
Master or higher qualifications (of one of UK's higher education institutions).
Be familiar with UK education system and application process for different courses.
Experience working in the education sector is preferred (not essential).
Willing to begin a career in this field.
Excellent communication skills; Strong organisational skills; Attention to detail; Ability to work independently; Patient; Teamwork; Selfdriven and enthusiasm; Proficient in MS office tools.



 2. (伦敦区)公共关系经理 PR Consultant


Basic Information

Workplace: London Job Type: Permanent
Benefits and Salaries: Basic+commission+bonus, and paid holiday, etc Experiences: Preferred
Required Education: Master's F/P: Full Time
Required language: Chinese and English    


Main Responsibility

Promoting company’s services and products and provide effective solution based on target clients’ need.
Making an appropriate PR plan together with senior colleagues to identify public relations requirements.
Expanding the organization’s public image and reputation by maintaining effective distribution in both English and Mandarin press, newsletters and other public relations material.
Conducting tests on different statistic tools such as SPSS and Excel to analyses and evaluate the effectiveness of public relations campaigns.
Participating in projects that promote company business, and to provide admin and sales support whenever required.


Eligible to work in the UK.
Professional level in Chinese (Mandarin), including speaking, listening and writing is a must.
Master or higher qualifications (of one of UK's higher education institutions).
Be familiar with UK education system and application process for different courses.
Experience working in the education sector is preferred (not essential).
Willing to begin a career in this field.
Excellent communication skills; Strong organisational skills; Attention to detail; Ability to work independently; Patient; Teamwork; Selfdriven and enthusiasm; Proficient in MS office tools.


3. (上海区)留学申请规划师   















    有较强的英语听说读写能力. 英语六级以上 ( 有雅思或托福成绩者优先考虑)











        1.热情接听咨询电话, 解答客户疑问.
        4.负责大学合作文件的准备, 计划书起草, 编辑, 翻译, 等等.

        1.熟悉各类办公软件的操作: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access等; 并懂得PHOTOSHOP或相关图形软件的基本操作.
        4.职业形象好, 气质佳, 成熟, 自信, 言谈举止大方得体.
        5.热爱教育事业, 有进取心, 执行力强, 有良好的客户服务意识和学习能力.



    4. (南京区)留学申请规划师















    有较强的英语听说读写能力. 英语六级以上 ( 有雅思或托福成绩者优先考虑)











        1.热情接听咨询电话, 解答客户疑问.
        4.负责大学合作文件的准备, 计划书起草, 编辑, 翻译, 等等.

        1.熟悉各类办公软件的操作: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access等; 并懂得PHOTOSHOP或相关图形软件的基本操作.
        4.职业形象好, 气质佳, 成熟, 自信, 言谈举止大方得体.
        5.热爱教育事业, 有进取心, 执行力强, 有良好的客户服务意识和学习能力.


5. (上海区)留学市场开发策划















        有较强的英语听说读写能力. 英语六级以上 ( 有雅思或托福成绩者优先考虑)











        1.负责留学市场招生渠道 (如果大中专院校, 中学. 等等) 开发的策划工作.

        1.热爱教育事业, 有进取心, 执行力强, 勇于开拓.
        2.职业形象好, 气质佳, 成熟, 自信, 言谈举止大方得体.
        3.具有敏锐的市场感觉和良好的判断能力, 善于发现并抓住市场机会, 市场策划能力较强.
        4.具有优秀的表达能力和交流能力; 具有一定的客户谈判技巧.
        7.熟悉各类办公软件的操作: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access等; 并懂得PHOTOSHOP或相关图形软件的基本操作.



6. 校园活动策划(江浙沪、山东、安徽在校生兼职)











        大中专学生,本科学生 (在校学生)















        1. 利用校内关系和个人网络,对本公司在校内的推广活动进行前期策划。
        2. 利用校内关系和个人网络,向学校有关单位申请宣传场地和设备。
      3. 利用校内关系和个人网络,对本公司在校内推广活动进行宣传(包括海报的粘贴,传单的发放,宣传摊位的摆放等等)
        4. 宣传活动当日,协助本公司相关人员现场组织推广活动。
        5. 收集校园内市场信息,定期向本公司汇报工作情况和反馈推广效果。


        1. 底薪可观+提成优厚。
        2. 优秀者可留参与本公司中国区的市场策划推广工作。
        3. 本公司对工作突出者给予实习机会和提供就业推荐信。
        4. 工作突出者还有机会远赴英国,参与本公司一年一度的与英国大学的交流活动。

 3. (上海区)留学申请规划师
 1. (伦敦区)销售经理 Sales Manager



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  • 工作/专科
  • 专家经验
  • 中外团队
  • 产品服务
  • 中英资质
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