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所属栏目:美国留学 >> 美国留学文书

Updated on: 2012-08-07



  --Provide any additional information you wish to bring to the attention of the Admission Committee. You may wish to discuss particular accomplishments, activities, employment, hobbies, or professional goals.

  --We require all applicants to submit a personal statement. The statement should describe any unusual aspects of your background which might contribute to the diversity of our student body as well as describe any extraordinary skills or traits that you might possess which would be relevant to us.

  --Please submit a personal statement not exceeding 500 words in length on a matter that interests you.



  --Please discuss any significant activities or work experience which might enrich your study at our school.

  --Describe an experience (either personal or professional) in which you failed. What did you learn from that experience?



  --Tell us your reasons for seeking a professional education.

  --At this point in your life, what motivates you to consider further education at our school?

  --Discuss the aspects of your background and experience that have led you to choose a career in…

  --This statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and to discuss your personal and professional goals.

  --How would you want your professional achievements and contributions to be remembered after your death?

  --Discuss how a degree from our school/program will assist you in reaching your short - and long-term goals.



  --Please comment on your strengths and weaknesses in certain courses or activities.

  --Discuss an ethical dilemma you have faced and how you dealt with it.

  --If you could have dinner with any three people (alive now or from another era), who would they be and what would you hope to learn from them?



  --If you are unable to submit the minimum number of recommendation forms that we request, please give your reasons.

  --Please explain anything in your application that does not accurately reflect your abilities or potential for successful graduate study.

  --Discuss any unique aspect of your personal or professional background that may not be adequately presented elsewhere in this application.

  通过上面对美国大学研究生个人陈述五大问题的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好申请美国研究生的准备和规划。如有更多问题,请致电400 666 1553咨询优越教育的美国留学专家.



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