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Updated on: 2012-03-31

  I became convinced that my professional career was midwifery when I had the distinct honour to witness the birth of my niece.

  The setting of their home seemed so perfect that I now find it difficult to imagine childbirth taking place in the impersonal confines of a hospital. For as long as I can remember, I have had an enthusiasm for life and a desire to be involved in the world around me.The prospect of helping people has driven me to fulfil many goals, and becoming a midwife is a natural extension of my interest in medicine.

  Midwifery brings a sense of dignity, awe and intimacy to the processes of pregnancy and childbirth that has been all but lost. To represent a profession that returns this natural occurrence to the home and integrates the family into the progression of life would be a great honour.

  In addition to the natural process, the relationship forged between the expectant mother and the midwife draws me. The word ‘midwife’ literally means ‘with a woman’, and I look forward to participating in that nurturing aspect. Midwife’s do more than merely perform a function; they provide a comforting presence for the mother and her baby during the pregnancy, and during and after birth. This continuity lends a rewarding completeness to the care.

  As a child, I was frequently in the company of adults and recall sitting with my mother and her friends, listening to their conversations about the important events in the ‘grownup’ world. Ironically, the profession that would put me in the company of the youngest members of the human race attracts me most now. There is no single event more integral to a functioning society than that of childbirth.

  In primary and secondary school, I received the highest marks in science and history, both of which have influenced my decision to pursue midwifery. The scientific aspects of reproduction and the natural pain management techniques utilised in this profession fascinate me.

  Oddly enough, though, it is history that has influenced me most. While studying the suffragette movement and the Representation of the People Act, I was impressed by the strength of the women who joined together to achieve a common goal. I knew then that I wanted to be a woman who joins and supports other women.

  As opposed to any form of protest, my stand of solidarity of studying for a degree in Midwifery represents a nearly completely positive form of unity for women.

  While nurses and doctors work in heroic, noble professions, their primary obligation is to care for the sick and injured, whereas midwives are caregivers to the well and participate in the life-giving process. I see midwifery as the best course for me, and with my education and passion for the field, I believe I will succeed. I will one day tell my niece how her life has changed mine.



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