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英国留学:本科会计Personal Statement(PS)写作模板一

出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-9
Accountancy Personal Statement
The way I think of Accounting is that it is a fundamental part of our way of life. This is because I believe that every person in the world uses the principle of Accounting at least once in their lives. It can be things that they do in their daily life, for example, checking how much money they have with them, or how much they have spent; or they use it in businesses and large-scale transactions where it is commonly known.
I am currently studying A-Level Accounts and as I developed an interest in it, I would like to continue studying this subject at university. I also chose A-Level Business Studies and A-Level Economics because I feel that these subjects complement each other. I also felt that, during revision, it helped me prepare for all my exams. Business Studies has given me a real insight on how the business world operates and what you need to do to succeed in business. However, Economics has taught me how to analyse and interpret economic data. It made me also develop theories about how people, the companies they run and the economy they live in, behave.
My interest in Accountancy started at an early age. I began part-time work as a sales assistant at Prince Pharmacy two years ago, where I also participated in collecting and processing invoices. Recently, I've started to work as a part-time receptionist for Al-Hasan Foundation, a charity which helps poor people to receive eye treatment in Iraq. During my work experience at these two jobs, I developed skills such as sense of responsibility, good teamwork and communication with people and strong leadership.
My main ambition for the future is to become a Chartered Accountant after I finish my degree at university. I am hoping university will provide me with an insight of the accounting world as well as offering me a wide range of choices and connections after my course.
My social life involves myself going out with friends regularly playing football and also tennis, swimming and cricket. My love for cricket was rewarded when I was part of the successful cricket team of my secondary school, where we finished second in the Under 13's Brent Schools' Cricket Association Tournament. I'm a keen follower of football and an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and part of the local branch of their supporters club. I also try to keep up with the world of technology by reading magazines and a number of newspapers. I actively participate in organizing youth activities such as football tournaments and trips to raise money for well-needy charities. One of these trips included a trip to Najaf (Iraq) to familiarize ourselves with their living standards and to assist in various projects there.
To conclude, I assure you that if given the opportunity, I will prove myself a capable and dedicated student. I know that I have the right amount of interest in Accountancy as a subject and the potential for success in order to achieve what I want. Finally, I believe that I have the commitment and the determination to complete this course successfully and fulfill my ambition to become a Chartered Accountant.
英国留学:本科会计Personal Stateme 英国留学:本科会计Personal Stateme
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