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英国留学:本科会计Personal Statement(PS)写作模板三

出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-9
Accounting personal statement
My interest in business studies dates back to my school days. When I graduated from High School I started working with Kabul Bank as Western Union Operator, where I had Western Union Club 500 training in fundamentals of business and economics. I also obtained advanced Microsoft Office and advanced English language training while working there. After working there for four years, I realized to progress in this field, I would always need a professional qualification. It has developed in me an interest to further my knowledge by studying a Accounting/Finance degree from a leading UK University.
Mathematics, English and Ethic were my favourite subjects in High School/College. I have established the strong academic foundation necessary for success through my intensive high school studies and employment, and prolonged personal interest; I need to demonstrate my considerable commitment to this field.
In pursuing a degree in accounting, it is my aim and goal to advance my knowledge of business systems and perfect my personal skills and analytical skills. Apart from my studies and work, I enjoy playing football, reading books, and solving puzzles.
英国留学:本科会计Personal Stateme 英国留学商务会计Personal Statemen
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