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出处: Nancy , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2012-3-14

  Since I can remember, I have been fascinated by numbers and have had a strong desire to solve problems. Studying A level maths has provided me with the opportunity to concentrate my efforts to the point that maths has become my favourite subject. At School, I did well academically, consistently ranking among the top ten in my class.

  Mr Saunders, my Maths teacher has been a great inspiration – I began to develop an affinity for maths and this was a turning point in my intellectual life. Put more poetically, I am excited by the prospect of unravelling mysteries and solving complex problems.

  Upon leaving school to pursue my A level’s at college, I became convinced that maths would hold the key to my future.

  “You should aim to get some work experience in banking,” my mother said. It is hard to argue with my mother. My first day working for Halifax bank, I keenly arrived at the offices at 9:00 in the morning. It was the first time I had to take some adult responsibilities. Each day, my fascination with numbers increased, motivating me to pursue this at degree level, so that I can explore my problem solving skills in even greater depth.

  My most valued non-academic accomplishment was working in the evenings as a helper in a maths tuition centre, I appreciated the opportunity to co-operate with others and gain valuable organisational skills.

  At present, I am leaning most heavily towards teaching maths. I benefited greatly from the skill and dedication of the teachers who have worked with me over the years, and I am sure I would enjoy utilizing some of their methods and creativity with students of my own. In addition, I am aware that there is a severe shortage of maths teachers.

  I have gained crucial leadership skills after recently completing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold expedition in the Black Mountains in Wales during a week of extremely bad weather. Despite the harsh conditions, my team succeeded in achieving all our goals in the allotted time. By forcing me to overcome challenges while under duress, this expedition has improved my endurance and ability to operate successfully as part of a team.

  By studying A level mathematics and by working in banking during the summer, I have broadened my knowledge of the subject, gaining a thorough foundation that will prove useful as I pursue a mathematics degree.

  At university, I look forward to engaging in problem solving. It is exciting to consider that, as a mathematician, my reasoning skills could help find the solution to some of the world’s most difficult dilemmas.

  I have a great enthusiasm for the mathematics field, I am confident that I have the intellectual prowess and commitment to be an excellent mathematician.

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