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出处: Nancy , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2012-3-14

  Mathematics can be summed up in a quote by G.H. Hardy, who once wrote:“The beauty lies, not in the shape of the symbols, but in the ideas behind them”.

  I believe that the beauty of Mathematics, for example of Euclid’s proof of the infinity of primes, is its simplicity. The idea that one can show that the list of primes never ends, in so few easy to follow lines, is nothing short of astonishing. It is this beauty and simplicity that has always fascinated me about the subject.

  Quantum Theory and Relativity are mathematical theories that attempt to explain the laws of the universe. Relativity can be summarised in the one mathematical formula that almost everyone knows E = mc2. It is this diversity of application that intrigues me and makes me want to study it in depth. I feel it will give me logistic and reasoning abilities that are pivotal for virtually all areas of study, consequently giving a very strong base for a wide range of careers.

  I greatly enjoy the Mechanical side of Mathematics and achieved 00% in the AS Mechanics module. I have a particular passion for the topic of thermo-dynamics, and it is something I wish to pursue in the future. Last year, I qualified for the British Mathematical Olympiad, run by the UKMT, which I hope to qualify for again this year. I also read books on mathematical nature, allowing me to extend my mathematical knowledge beyond the content of the A-level course. I recently represented the school in a national Youth Speaks competition, arguing for the case of improving world poverty.

  I am always widely involved in college life outside of the classroom, and participate in both the college athletics club and the School Council. These activities allow me my district in both shot put and discus, and I managed to achieve a third place in both events.

  To further my knowledge of Mechanics, I recently accepted a summer placement to work at Rolls Royce for two weeks. I will be participating in various seminars as well as doing some administrative work, and I look forward to being able to learn more about the Aerospace industry. It is a career path that I would be interested in following in the future, and I believe that Mathematics is an ideal basis for this. My strength and determination prevails through everything I do which makes me a great student.

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