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出处: Nancy , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2012-3-7

  Accounting is like an art form. You need logic. Everything has a set order and method; and each piece is placed carefully and has a high significance amongst its environment.

  You need analytical skills in order to take apart every piece of information and use it to make your own decisions. I enjoy the precision of methods involved in accounting, and I have what it takes to study the subject further.

  During my A-level economics course, I have learnt a great deal about finance, and I have found it both challenging and fascinating. One of the actual events that caused me to realise that my calling is in finance came during a school economics experiment – designed to understand financial behaviour. Our team was given money to be divided into two accounts called “private” and “public”.

  Money in the private account was given to the student at the end of the experiment. Money in the public account was pooled, multiplied by a factor of more than one, and then divided equally among all the teams. We had to decide how much money to put in the public and private accounts to maximise investment.

  After carrying out market research our team found that for society as a whole, the best decision was to put all money into the public account – which created the biggest return on investment. But for each individual student, the best decision was to put all his or her money into the private account. In this way, the student would get back all his or her stake everyone. The study found that business and economic students contributed, on average, 5 percent of their stakes to the public account. Students of other subjects contributed 50 percent. This was a fascinating experiment and I learnt the reality of finance and implications on investment. I learned that being an accountant requires extremely hard work and determination; however, I believe these are qualities that I possess and will be able to use.

  My passion for studying finance grew further when completing a five week placement with the Chartered Accountancy Firm, H W Fisher and company. This experience gave me insight into the world of audits and insolvency and confirmed that accountancy is more than just figures.

  My time during this work placement only served to increase my ambition to one day to work within such a company. I was particularly interested in the effect that the application of different accounting techniques, and the further development of financial reporting regulations, especially in regard to the introduction of the International Accounting Standards.

  My role as sixth Form Captain has helped me gain a sense of responsibility and maturity. This has involved tasks such as organising student events, arranging important school conferences, and making speeches, all of which have helped me to develop strong personal and communication skills. These have been further strengthened through my duties as a sixth form mentor for the lower school pupils, where I provide support and advice for younger pupils who are struggling to cope with the pressures of examinations. Through these achievements, I have learnt the rewards of making a positive contribution towards school life.

  I also have a passion for music, I have recently been involved in setting up a fortnightly club event for 4- 7 year old’s in my local community. Organising events for students is definitely something I would like to get involved in at university.

  I have a real interest in Accounting, and I am a highly dedicated individual who is eager to meet the challenges that university will bring.

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