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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2011-1-20

剑桥大学物理学PS(个人陈述)  Physics Personal Statement

I find one of the most attractive parts of physics is how complex situations can be explained with simple theories. I enjoy the logical aspects of the subject and love the challenge of breaking a problem down to its basic components to arrive at an explanation. This can be seen in the analysis of circular motion where thinking of the problem simply, in terms of Newton’s laws, allows me to derive equations completely describing the motion.

My enthusiasm for science extends beyond the classroom. My particular interest is reading about new developments and I especially enjoy reading about particle physics in publications such as ‘New Scientist’ and through articles on the internet. I relish finding how our understanding of the smallest pieces of matter has lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the largest fields such as cosmology and how this may lead to a unified field theory. I am particularly following the developments at CERN in regards to this and am excited by the work at the LHC to find the Higgs Boson and confirm the standard model. I have read books by Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking and also find Richard Feynman’s lectures on physics an invaluable extension to my current studies. I have referred to them on various occasions, particularly when working on the kinetic theory of an ideal gas, extending the sophistication of my knowledge and understanding to a higher level. I am keen to continue this at university and beyond with my ambition for a career in research.

I am maintaining breadth as well as depth in my studies by taking four A2 subjects. My decision to take on a further AS in Further Maths this year as a self-taught subject was to ensure that I could extend my mathematical skill set enabling me to more fully study science subjects at A-level and beyond. I feel a sound mathematical background is vital in any scientific endeavour. I am competing in the Chemistry Olympiad this year and also taking the AEA in this subject and in physics. In preparing for these I know I have strengthened my understanding greatly and I have embraced the challenge that it brings. I have developed a presentation on protein synthesis which is now used at my college to teach AS Biology students.

Work experience at my local hospital’s audiology department demonstrated to me that physics is not just a theoretical subject but also has many practical applications as well. Seeing ‘physics in action’ shows me the real value of fundamental research for its myriad uses in the real world.

I contribute to the life of my college by helping out regularly at the school’s open evenings and other events as well as performing other duties as a prefect. I played rugby for the college for four years, in doing which I gained an understanding of the importance of team-work which I hope to apply to work later on in my education and life. Outside of college I have volunteered in my local Oxfam shop and I take pride in giving something back to the community. To relax outside of college work I enjoy playing the bass guitar, hill walking and the theatre.

I have every intention of carrying on my studies of science post university and I would love to continue on into research. I feel that my genuine passion for the subject combined with my focused attitude towards work and learning will allow me to pursue this path. I am excited by the challenge of work at a higher and deeper level and am confident I possess the requisite skills, motivation and knowledge to succeed.

剑桥大学自然科学专业PS(个人陈述) 剑桥大学医学专业PS(个人陈述)
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