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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2011-1-20

剑桥大学医学专业PS(个人陈述) Medicine Personal Statement

From the age of six, my interest in human biology had always made medicine a natural choice. More recently, this has become a realistic goal as my examination grades and non-academic achievements demonstrate I have the ability and aptitude to become a successful doctor. My A-level subjects have given me a sound scientific knowledge base and have developed skills and qualities which are particularly relevant to my chosen degree. These include observational, investigative, analytical, reasoning and communication skills. My self-confidence, self-reliance, adaptability and willingness to assume responsibility have been enhanced not just through my studies but through extra-curricular activities and considerable work experience.

Since 2005 I have undertaken various placements initiated in a C.D.U with autistic children, followed by a week in paediatrics. During the summer of 2006 I managed to gain two weeks in a general practice, which greatly increased my enthusiasm for such a diverse career. Following an operation to remove a skin lesion, I acquired two days of experience in dermatology and then through my school spent a week shadowing catheterisations and angioplasties, in Craigavon Hospital. A period in the I.C.U and later in A&E, prompted me to attend Medlink and then Medsim at Nottingham University where I gained a rapid life support response certificate and training in emergency medicine for both respiratory and cardiac arrest. Time spent on placements made me aware of the stresses and demands of a medical career, yet only served to whet my appetite for more and I now work part-time as a ward assistant in Lurgan hospital. My greatest sense of fulfilment comes from listening to and empathising with the patients. To witness the struggles endured, the spectacular recovery of some to the sad decline of others, is a privilege. I am soon to become an auxiliary nurse to have more 'one on one' contact and to gain greater experience of patient care.

Successful time management is my forte. I enjoy challenges, and have managed to juggle the competing demands of social, sport, leisure and charity interests while maintaining my academic focus. Fundraising for charities and 200 hrs of voluntary work with Oxfam have enhanced my interpersonal skills. Commended for my work with Concern, I have since focused on my school's mission to build an orphanage in Mukuru, Kenya, where I hope to go in 2008. I have recently abseiled for CLIC Sergeant and worked with disabled children through a Special Friend's Scheme and as a member of a Quiz Team to raise funds. As a senior prefect I also helped set up a mentoring scheme with Childline. I enjoy waterskiing and excel in music and the arts. A member of many choirs, I also play the piano to grade 8 standard and the French Horn with the SUYO. My public speaking skills have been perfected through my work as a minister of the Liturgy for St. Peter's Parish and I was also a keen competitor at the Model UN general Assembly 2007. I subscribe to New Scientist and Student BMJ and also enjoy writing poetry, for which I have won copious awards and had my poems published in three anthologies. I have shown my creativity by winning a QUB art competition, through which I helped design the interiors of the Translink 2006 trains. My ideas were commended at the Seagate Young Innovators Convention, an event which I hope to attend again in June through the Nuffield Foundation. The latter provided me with a bursary to complete a project in occupational Health at HSENI for which I have been awarded a BA Gold Crest Award for Research in Science.

My desire to pursue a career in medicine has only intensified as a result of my work experience and voluntary sector commitments. The chance to study medicine is my long cherished ambition. I believe I have the skills and qualities necessary to succeed in the medical profession, and I welcome the academic rigour and opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of university life.

剑桥大学物理学PS(个人陈述) 剑桥大学法学PS(个人陈述)
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