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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-28

(Bloomberg News)周五援引两位未具名知情人士的话报导,苏格兰皇家银行集团(Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Plc, RBS.LN)已裁减了旗下亚洲投资银行业务逾三分之一的员工。

报导援引上述知情人士的话称,苏格兰皇家银行本周共裁减了约70名员工。报导还称,该行亚太地区企业和顾问业务主管Richard Orders也将离职。

据报导,该行香港发言人Hui Yukmin表示,该行全球业务规模必须适中,要反映出该行的全球业务量。

Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, 58 percent owned by the U.K. government after a bailout, cut more than a third of Asia investment-banking jobs, including that of one of its most senior executives in the region, two people familiar with the matter said.

About 70 people lost their jobs this week, the people said, asking not to be identified because there has been no public announcement. Richard Orders, 54, is stepping down as Asia- Pacific head of corporate sectors and advisory, and told staff today he’ll stay for several months to work on unfinished projects, they said.

The Edinburgh-based bank is reducing its global workforce to pare costs after being forced to accept a 20 billion pounds ($30 billion) bailout from the U.K. government. RBS joins HSBC Holdings Plc, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG in eliminating jobs in Asia as global losses and writedowns stemming from the credit seizure surpass $1 trillion.

“The landscape has changed and we must change with it, which includes making sure that our global business is the right size to reflect the volume of business we are currently doing,” said Hui Yukmin, a Hong Kong-based spokeswoman at the bank, declining to comment on the specific number of job losses.

Departures also include Claude Illy, with 14 years service, and Kevin Lee, Asia co-heads of energy and resources, according to the people. John Moore, 38, who headed Southeast Asia corporate finance, will exit after spending 11 years with the firm. He will stay to finish some projects before leaving around the first quarter, the people said.

Global Reductions

The job cuts this week were focused on merger advisory, corporate finance, industry teams and local coverage bankers, the people said. Orders told employees today he’s is discussions with the bank about possibly taking another position within the firm, they said.

Orders, a 12-year company veteran, advised Coca-Cola Co. on its $2.3 billion purchase of China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. in September.

The bank told staff last month it plans to cut about 2,700 jobs globally at its securities unit in response to the shrinking financial-services industry and waning client demand, according to people familiar with the matter.

RBS, the U.K.’s second-biggest bank before it lost 87 percent of its market value this year, may post its first annual loss in 40 years as bad loans increase, the company said in November. The bank has posted more than 7 billion pounds of credit losses in 2008 and probably will take more writedowns in the fourth quarter, Chief Executive Officer Stephen Hester said in November.

职场调查:四分之一加拿大人害怕自己会失业 英国工人罢工反对输入外籍雇员
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