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准备签证材料时会用到的单词 - 优越教育

出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-2
记名股 name share

  记名股票inscribed share /inscribed stock

  记名债券inscribed bond, no-bear bond, registered bond

  记帐式国债account treasury bond

  国债(国库券)treasury bond

  凭证式国债evidence treasury bond

  股份share stock

  股份证书scrip certificate, stock warrant


  股息收入dividend income

  股息收益dividend earned

  分红distribute a bonus, profit sharing

  年终股利year-end dividend

  年终奖year-end bonus, December bonus

  奖金incentive pay bonus

  住房津贴accommodation/house/quarters allowance

  住房抵押贷款housing mortgage loan

  房产residential holdings

  房地产收益estate income

  年租annual rental

  拆迁费removal compensate

  私营企业private business


  合伙公司merged company

  合伙合同deed of partnership

  合伙契约articles of co-partnership

  合伙人奖金bonus to partners

  合伙人薪金partner’s salaries

  营业执照business license warranty

  年营业额annual sale volume

  年利润annual returns

  纳税单据tax invoice

  纳税证明tax certificate


  纳税后净收入net income after tax

  纳税后利润after-tax profits

  纳税后收入after-tax income

  法人artificial person, corporrate, fiction person, legal person

  财务报表financial report, financial statement

  会计报表accounting statement, fiscal statement

  存款与储蓄deposits and savings

  存款余额balance held on deposit

  存款余额确认书confirmation of balance

  定期存款dated deposit, fixed deposit

  定期存单time certificate of deposit

  活期存单demand certificate

  活期储蓄current deposit, demand deposit

  活期存款checking account, current deposit, demand deposit

  活期存款帐户account current, current account

  自动转期定期存款automatic renewal time deposit

  利息单interest bill, interest note

  扣缴税额amount withheld

  补偿金compensation fund

  补助金allowance, assistance payment, subsidy

  退休养老基金retirement fund

  城市信用合作社urban credit cooperation

  农村信用合作社rural credit cooperation

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