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预科推荐学校 - 伦敦大学学院UCL

出处: , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-6-1
    文科雅思分数6.0分(各单项需达6.0分);托福IBT 分数 79-80。理工科雅思要求5.5(个单项需达5.0),托福IBT分数75-78.
Maintenance costs, accommodation and tuition fees
Information about UCL accommodation can be found on the UCL Accommodation webpages. Two students working in the UCL residences are shown above. Assignment is very competitive and thus early application is strongly advised. Overseas students and those students who have not studied in London before will be preferred.
Alternative accommodation options are listed online at the UCL website. The University of London Housing Services is an agency to broker privately rented accommodation exclusively to students. There are a few other popular providers as Gumtree, London CraigsList, EasyRoomMate, RightMove UKLondonRentals and HomesAndProperty.
Living costs in London--生活费用
Estimates for financial obligations to attend UCL vary upon your personal taste. A single postgraduate student should allow a minimum of £10,000-£12,000 for each calendar year plus additional expenses of thesis presentation, books and public transport.
The biggest items of the living costs are accommodation, entertainment and house keeping as food and toiletries. Though you will get student discount for public transport you need to balance it with rent, time and remoteness of your accommodation. Students accompanied by family members incur further costs. There are specific Government rules whether they will be eligible to take up employment. Possessions of these financial resources is very important to fund your life in London as UCL will be incapable to finance you. The left image shows Big Ben, the two middle images give a glimpse at UCL and the right image depicts Trafalgar Square at night.
Tuition fees--学费
The tuition fees for MSc Machine Learning for 2010/11 are £4,865 at the Home (UK) and EU Full-time level, and £18,245 at the overseas full-time students level. Up-to-date fees can be viewed on the UCL Fee Graduate Schedule page. The fees covers the whole MSc in Machine Learning course including lecture notes. The fee does not include living costs.
预科推荐学校 - 曼彻斯特The Universi 英国大学预科申请材料
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