当前位置 :英国留学->英国留学条件->正文


出处: 本站原创   作者:tim   发表时间: 2016-05-03


  关于英国留学入学时间,大家普遍了解的情况是秋季入学,第二年夏天结束一学年的学习。普遍说来,英国大学的入学时间跟国内相同,都是秋季(910月份)入学,到第二年夏天(67月份)为一学年,每学年分为三学期,称之为:第一学期autumn term 9月底-12月初,之后是圣诞假期;第二学期Spring term 1月初-3月中下旬,之后为复活节假期;第三个学期summer term 4月中旬-6月中旬下旬,之后为暑假。一般每个学期10周,这个时间安排称之为Academic Calendar




  1 对每个学期的名称称呼有不同,比例,剑桥大学的三个学期称之为 Michaelmas, Lent, Easter ,牛津大学称之为 Michaelmas, Hilary, Trinity


  2 并不是每个学期都正好是10周,很多大学第一和第二学期的时间稍长,第三个学期时间较短,而且最后一个学期后面的时间主要是考试,基本考试结束就相当于该学期结束;


  3 同一个大学每年有时会由于每年节假日的不同而进行调整,所以学期分配每年会有调整;


  4 部分大学在第二学期中间有一个”reading week”,没有课堂教学,相当于放假一周;


  5 部分苏格兰大学只开设两个学期,如圣安德鲁University of St Andrews: Martinmas, Candlemas,第一个学期为秋季开学到圣诞节,第二个学期为1月份到5月底,期间3月中下旬有两周的春假。




  1 由于之前有其他打算错过了秋季入学申请机会,临时需要申请英国留学的,比如参加高考、考研失败的同学或者本科毕业后找工作不理想的同学;


  2 秋季申请由于竞争太激烈而导致申请失败的同学;


  3 准备语言考试太晚,没来得及申请秋季入学的同学;


  4 之前由于重修或者补考,没有达到秋季入学通知书要求的条件的同学。




  1 首先,如果等到第二年秋季再入学其实相当于白白浪费了一年,如果达到直接入读的条件,不需要再上语言班或者预科班的,春季直接入学可以节省等待的时间;


  2 普遍说来,英国大学春季入学申请人数比秋季少,申请成功率相对会比较高,我们都了解,秋季申请过程中,由于申请人数过多,很多满足入学要求的学生由于名额竞争压力大而拿不到录取通知书;


















  接下来,同学们会担心春季开学后,课时如何安排,具体的毕业时间等。一般来说,不同学校会有不同的安排,春季开学学生毕业时间分两种。一种是比秋季入学的同学晚一个学期毕业(Courses with a January start will finish a semester later than those that started in September ),比如伦敦都市大学等,这种普遍适用于硕士;第二种是,将第一学年的课程压缩,假期减短,这样第二年跟前一年秋季入学同步开设课程(Studying from January through to July, with a short break at Easter, allows students to join the second-years in September),比如考文垂大学等,这种普遍适用于本科。








  BA (Hons) Global Business Management


  BA (Hons) International Finance and Accounting


  BA (Hons) Top Up Global Business


  BA (Hons) Top Up Global Marketing


  BA (Hons) Top Up Accounting and Finance for International Business


  BA (Hons) Top Up International Hospitality and Tourism Management


  BA (Hons) Top Up International Fashion Management and Marketing




  Business School:


  BA Business Management


  BA Financial Services (Top Up)


  BA International Business Administration (Top Up yr 3)


  School of Science and Technology:


  BSc Information Technology and Business Information Systems (Top Up yr 3)




  Occupational Health Nursing (Specialist Community Public Health Nursing) - BSc (Hons)


  Economics - BSc (Hons)


  Business Studies - BA (Hons)


  Business Administration - BA (Hons)




  Accounting and Finance - BA (Hons)


  Architecture and Interior Design Extended Degree (with Foundation Year) - BA (Hons)


  Art and Design Extended Degree (with Foundation Year) - BA (Hons)


  Business Management (Extended Degree) - BA (Hons)


  Business Management - BA (Hons)


  Computing, Technology and Mathematics Extended Degree - BSc (Hons)


  Computing - BSc (Hons)


  Criminology and Sociology - BSc (Hons)


  Criminology and Youth Studies - BSc (Hons)


  Criminology - BSc (Hons)


  Design: Fashion, Textiles, Jewellery, Product and Furniture Extended Degree (with Foundation Year) - BA (Hons)


  Digital Media - BA (Hons)


  Diplomacy and International Relations - BA (Hons)


  Education and Social Policy - BA (Hons)


  Education Studies - BA (Hons)


  Film and Television Studies - BA (Hons)


  Film, Media and Music Extended Degree (with Foundation Year) - BA (Hons)


  Health and Social Care - BSc (Hons)


  International Business Management - BSc (Hons)


  International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies - BA (Hons)


  International Relations and Politics - BA (Hons)


  International Relations - BA (Hons)


  LLB Law - (Hons)


  Media and Communications - BSc (Hons)


  Politics - BA (Hons)


  Sciences Extended Degree - (Biology, Chemistry, Health, Psychology) - BSc (Hons)


  Social Sciences and Humanities Extended degree - BA (Hons)




  BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance


  BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year


  BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Internship


  BA (Hons) Business Studies


  BA (Hons) Business Studies (Top-up)


  BA (Hons) Business Studies with Finance


  BA (Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Year


  BA (Hons) Business Studies with Human Resource Management


  BA (Hons) Business Studies with Internship


  BA (Hons) Business Studies with Marketing


  BA (Hons) International Business Management




  International Business, BA Hons






  MSc Global Financial Trading


  MSc International Fashion Marketing


  MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management


  MBA Global Business


  MBA Global Financial Services


  MBA International Fashion Management


  MBA International Human Resource Management


  MBA International Marketing


  MBA Oil and Gas Management




  Business School:


  MSc Behavioural Economics in Action


  MSc Financial Management


  MA Human Resource Management


  MA International Business Management


  MA Marketing Management


  School of Law:


  MA International Relations


  School of Science and Technology:


  MSc Applied Public Health


  MSc Business Information Systems Management


  MSc Environmental Pollution Control


  MSc Network Security and Pen Testing




  Advanced Nurse Practitioner PgDip / MSc


  Building Services Engineering - MSc


  Built Environment Studies - MA / MSc


  Business Project Management - MSc


  Civil Engineering MSc


  Corporate Governance (Fast Track for ICSA Graduates) Top-up MSc


  Corporate Governance with Graduate ICSA MSc


  Digital Architecture and Robotic Construction MSc


  Digital Marketing (IDM Top Up) MSc


  Environmental and Architectural Acoustics MSc


  Food Safety and Control MSc / Top-up to MSc


  Human Resource Management - PgDip / MSc


  International Accounting and Finance - MSc


  International Business - PgDip / MSc


  International Finance - MSc


  International Marketing MSc / PgDip / PgCert


  International Marketing (with internship) MSc


  International Tourism and Hospitality Management - MSc


  Marketing MSc


  Marketing Communications - MSc


  Marketing Communications Top-up to MSc


  Marketing Communications (with internship) MSc


  Marketing Management (CIM and IDM Top Up) MSc


  Marketing (with internship) MSc


  Master of Business Administration - MBA


  Refugee Studies MSc


  Structural Engineering MSc


  Sustainable Energy Systems MSc


  Transport Engineering and Planning MSc




  Faculty of Architecture, Computing & Humanities


  MSc Big Data and Business Intelligence


  MSc Built Environment Studies


  MSc Computing and Information Systems


  MSc Computer Forensics and Cyber Security


  MSc Computer Systems and Network Engineering


  MSc Computer Science


  MSc Construction Management and Economics


  MSc Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence


  MSc Enterprise Systems and Database Administration


  MSc Facilities Management


  MSc Information Systems Management


  MSc Management of Business Information


  MSc Network and Computer Systems Security


  MSc Project Management (International)


  MSc Real Estate Development and Investment


  MSc Software Engineering


  MSc Sustainable Building Engineering


  Business School


  MSc Business and Financial Economics


  MA Business by Research


  BA Hons International Business


  (year one entry only and will be studying over the summer)


  MA International Business


  MBA International Business 24 months


  MA Strategic Marketing


  Faculty of Engineering & Science


  MSc Agriculture for Sustainable Development


  MSc Biotechnology


  MSc Civil Engineering


  MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  MSc Electrical Power Engineering


  MSc Engineering (Research)


  MSc Engineering Management


  MSc Food Innovation


  MSc Food Safety and Quality Management


  MSc Formulation Science


  MSc Information and Communications Technology


  MSc Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


  MSc Natural Resources (by Research)


  MSc Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


  MSc Pharmaceutical Science


  MSc Sustainable Environmental Management


  MSc Wireless Mobile Communications Systems Engineering


  Medway School of Pharmacy


  MSc Applied Drug Discovery




  International Commercial Law LLM


  Marketing MSc


  Human Resource Management MSc


  Master of Laws (LLM Law)


  Accounting and Business Management MSc


  Business Administration MBA


  Management MSc


  Environmental Pollution and Monitoring MSc


  Business Intelligence and Social Media MSc


  International Intellectual Property Law LLM


  International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM


  Environmental Management MSc


  International Human Rights Law LLM


  Climate Change and Sustainability MSc




  MBA Luxury Brand Management (January 2016)


  MSc Construction Management (January 2016)


  MSc Digital Fashion Strategy (January 2016)


  MSc Fashion Business Creation (January 2016)


  MSc Global Marketing (January 2016)


  MSc International Banking, Finance and Risk Management (January 2016)


  MSc International Fashion Marketing (January 2016)


  MSc International Management and Business Development (January 2016)


  MSc International Project Management (January 2016)


  MSc Luxury Brand Marketing (January 2016)


  MSc Public Health (January 2016)


  MSc Public Health (Part Time - January 2016)


  MSc Risk Management (January 2016)




  Accounting, finance and banking


  Accounting and Finance MSc


  Art and design


  Computer Animation MA




  International Business Management MSc


  Master of Business Administration MBA


  Business information technology


  IT & Strategic Innovation MSc


  Chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences


  Pharmaceutical Science MSc


  Computing and information systems


  Computer Animation MA


  Embedded Systems MSc


  Embedded Systems with Management Studies MSc


  Embedded Systems (Computer Vision) MSc


  Information Systems MSc


  Information Systems (E-commerce) MSc


  Information Systems (Health Information Management) MSc


  IT & Strategic Innovation MSc


  Network & Information Security MSc


  Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc


  Networking & Data Communications MSc


  Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies MSc


  Software Engineering MSc


  Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc


  Software Engineering (Web) MSc


  Software Engineering (Web) with Management Studies MSc


  Creative industries and the creative economy


  Computer Animation MA


  Digital media


  Computer Animation MA




  Advanced Industrial & Manufacturing Systems MSc


  Advanced Product Design Engineering MSc


  Aerospace Engineering MSc


  Automotive Engineering MSc


  Automotive Engineering (Commercial Vehicle Technology) MSc


  Automotive Engineering (Hybrid and Electric Vehicles) MSc


  Embedded Systems MSc


  Embedded Systems (Computer Vision) MSc


  Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc


  Management in Construction MSc


  Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc


  Mechanical Engineering MSc


  Mechatronic Systems MSc


  Professional Engineering MSc


  Renewable Energy Engineering MSc


  Structural Design & Construction Management MSc


  Structural Design & Construction Management with Sustainability MSc




  Radiography: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


  Radiography: Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc


  Radiography: Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


  Radiography: Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


  Human resource management


  Employment Law LLM




  Corporate and Financial Law LLM


  Dispute Resolution LLM


  Employment Law LLM


  Environmental Law and Sustainability LLM


  General Law LLM


  International Commercial Law LLM


  Management (General)


  International Business Management MSc


  Master of Business Administration MBA


  Performance, film, media and cultural studies


  Computer Animation MA




  Addiction and Mental Health - MSc


  Biomedical Science - MSc


  Blood Science - MSc


  Business Innovation and Creative Entrepreneurship - MSc


  Business Psychology - MSc


  Cancer Pharmacology - MSc


  Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health - MSc


  Computer Forensics and IT Security - MSc


  Computer Networking - MSc


  Computer Science - MSc


  Computing - MSc


  Consumer Psychology - MSc


  Creative Writing - MA Crime, Violence and Prevention - MSc


  Criminology - MSc


  Digital Media - MA


  Education - MA


  Events Marketing Management - MA


  Finance (Accounting) - MSc


  Finance - MSc


  Food Science - MSc


  Health and Social Care Management and Policy - MSc


  Health Psychology - MSc


  Human Nutrition (Public Health with Sports) - MSc


  Human Resource Management - MA


  Information Technology - MSc


  International Banking, Finance and Compliance - MSc


  International Business - MA


  International Human Rights and Social Justice - LLM


  International Human Rights and Social Justice - MA


  International Public Health Nutrition - MSc


  International Relations - MA


  International Security Studies - MA


  Journalism - MA


  Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - MA


  Management and Strategic Leadership - MA


  Master of Business Administration - MBA


  Master of Public Administration (MPA) –


  MA Mathematics - MSc


  Media and Communications - MA


  Mental Health and Wellbeing - MA


  Music Industry Management and Enterprise - MA


  Network Management and Security - MSc


  Obesity and Weight Management - MSc


  Occupational Psychology - MSc


  Pharmaceutical Science - MSc


  Public Health - MSc


  Social Policy and Evaluation - MSc


  Social Policy - MSc


  Teaching Arabic - MA


  TESOL and Applied Linguistics - MA


  Woman and Child Abuse - MA




  School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering


  MSc Business Information Systems


  MSc Civil Engineering


  MSc Computer Systems Engineering


  MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  MSc Information Security and Computer Forensics


  MSc Software Engineering


  MSc Structural Engineering


  PGDip Civil Engineering


  PGDip Electrical and Electrical Engineering


  PGDip Structural Engineering


  School of Arts and Digital Industries


  MA Heritage Studies


  MA Writing Imaginative Practice (Distance Learning)


  Cass School of Education and Communities


  MA English Language Teaching (Distance Learning)


  MA Special and Additional Learning Needs


  MA Special Educational Needs


  MA Youth and Community Work


  School of Health, Sport and Bioscience


  MSc Biomedical Science


  MSc Bioscience


  Mres Bioscience


  MSc Biotechnology


  MSc Pharmaceutical Science


  MSc Phyto-pharmaceutical Science


  MSc Pharmacology


  MSc Public Health


  School Social Sciences


  MSc Anthropology


  MSc Anthropology, Human Rights and Justice


  MSc International Relations


  School of Psychology


  MA Careers


  MSc Business Psychology


  MSc Career Coaching


  MSc Clinical & Community Psychology


  MSc Coaching Psychology


  MSc Criminal & Investigative Psychology


  MSc International Humanitarian Psychosocial Consultation


  MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology


  MSc Psychology


  School of Business and Law


  Global MBA


  LLM Energy and Natural Resources


  LLM Human Rights


  LLM International Business Law


  LLM International Law and Criminal Justice


  LLM International Law and Financial Markets


  LLM International Law and International Relations


  LLM International Law and World Economy


  LLM International Law


  LLM Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies


  LLM Law General


  MA Human Resource Management


  MA International Human Resource Management




  MSc Finance and Risk


  MSc Financial Management


  MSc International Accounting and Finance


  MSc International Business Management


  MSc International Relations


  MSc. Islamic Banking and Finance


  MSc Sport Management




  The Claude Littner Business School


  MA Human Resource Management (Top-up)


  MA Managing Human Resources


  MSc Finance and Accounting


  MSc Finance and Risk Management


  MBA Graduate MBA with Internship


  MSc International Business Management


  MSc International Marketing


  MBA Masters in Business Administration


  London College of Music


  MMus Composition (Electronic Music)




  Finance and Accounting MSc (January)


  Finance, Banking and Insurance MSc (January)


  Investment and Risk Finance MSc (January)


  Human Resource Management MA (January)


  International Business and Management MA (January)


  Management MA (January)


  Marketing Communications MA (January)


  Marketing Management MA/MSc (January)


  Master of Business Administration (MBA) (January)


  Purchasing and Supply Chain Management MSc (January)


  Creative Writing: Writing the City MA (January)


  Cultural and Critical Studies MA (January)


  English Language and Creative Writing MA (January)


  English Language and Linguistics MA (January)


  English Language and Literature MA (January)


  English Literature: Modern and Contemporary Fictions MA (January)


  Human Resource Management MA (January)


  International Liaison and Communication MA (January)


  Conflict Prevention, Dispute Resolution MA (January)


  Corporate Finance Law LLM (January)


  International and Commercial Dispute Resolution Law LLM (January)


  International Commercial Law LLM (January)


  International Law LLM (January)


  Marketing Communications MA (January)


  Marketing Management MA/MSc (January)


  Energy and Environmental Change MA (January)


  International Relations and Democratic Politics MA (January)


  International Relations and Security MA (January)


  International Relations MA (January)


  Air Transport Planning and Management MSc (January)


  Art and Visual Culture MA (January)


  Cultural and Critical Studies MA (January)


  Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture MA (January)









