1、伦敦艺术大学(University of the Arts London)
MA Design Management for the Fashion Industries
MA Fashion and the Environment
MA Fashion Entrepreneurship
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing
MSc International Fashion Management
MA Fashion Design Technology, Menswear
MA Fashion Design Technology, Womenswear
伦敦艺术大学位于英国的首都伦敦,所以相对其他开设此专业的学校,学生具有得天独厚的条件去了解当前最新的high fashion信息。此外,伦敦还是各个社会名流居住的地方,也会影响当今的流行趋势。就读于这所学校的学生可以在学习之余把理论和实践相结合。因此,这所学校要求学生具有相关专业的学术背景或工作经验。有些专业的雅思也要求在7分。
2、创意艺术大学学院 (University College for the Creative Arts)
·MA Design Management: Innovation & Brand Management at UCA Epsom
·MA Fashion Promotion & Imaging at UCA Epsom
·MA Fashion Management & Marketing at UCA Epsom
·MA Fashion: Manufacture & Management at UCA Rochester
·MA Fashion: Promotion,Marketing & Branding at UCA Rochester
·MBA Creative Industries Management at UCA Rochester
3. 南安普顿大学
MA Design: Advertising Design Management
MA Design: Design Management
MA fashion management
MA fashion and textile marketing
MA Luxury Brand Management
MA Design:Communication Design
MA Design: Fashion Design
MA Design: Textile Design
4、利兹大学(University of Leeds)
·Advanced Textiles and Performance Clothing MSc/PGDip
5、伯明翰城市大学(Birmingham City University)
·Fashion Promotion - PgCert/PgDip/MA
·Fashion Styling - PgCert/PgDip/MA
6. 曼彻斯特大学(此专业属于材料学院)
International Fashion Retailing ( Business Process Improvement) MSc
International Fashion Retailing (Multichannel Marketing) MSc
International Fashion Retailing MSc