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英国留学法律PS(个人陈述personal statement)写作模板1

出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-10
Law Personal Statement 法律专业个人陈述(PS)
I would like to study a law degree as I am truly inspired and motivated by the contents and issues that arise. I have been particularly interested in sociology and the way in which societies have structured and changed throughout many cultures and centuries and how laws and policies are enforced on them
The wide range of applications of law appeals to me, because not only can my future knowledge facilitate others generally and be beneficial to me, it is a direction towards a future that I would relish, as a law degree opens up a vast range of options where I would be able to specialise into criminal law incorporated with human rights. This would allow me to able to return to my origins and help to develop a democratic society and weaken the strict regimes and corruption in the middle-east and other developing countries
I strongly believe that all four subjects that I have studied have widened my knowledge and have satisfied my curiosity in law. Firstly, sociology has shone light on the society through the education systems, the family universality debate and a touch on deviance with the most interesting topics being the study of the Marxist theories, where the communist ideas arose against the 'exploitative' capitalist societies. Secondly, mathematics is a worldwide subject enabling the understanding of mathematical models and its use for mankind along with the fascination of solving challenging problems which enables me to learn how to look at situations and clearly derive with a logical method of solving the question at hand
Studying philosophy has allowed me to be more critical and analytical about theories put forward, such as Descartes 'Meditations', and the study of bio molecules and a genetic engineering report put forward on recombinant Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid in biology, dealing with a number of ethical issues regarding genetics is a subject that I found both stimulating and informative. In addition I am studying the Persian language at home, because even though I am British, I feel the need to become closer to my ethnic origin and appreciate my mother tongue and culture. For this reason, I have attended many social Arabic and Persian events.
I have also gained great experiences through a number of work placements I have had, such as through retail, working in telecommunications and working voluntarily in a youth club as part of a community service whilst doing a Duke of Edinburgh's Award Challenge Scheme.
英国留学艺术设计类PS(个人陈述)写作模板1 英国留学教育类PS(个人陈述personal st
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