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英国留学计算机科学PS(personal statement)模板5

出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-9
Computer Science Personal Statement计算机科学个人陈述(PS)
After graduating from university for two months and with the Telecommunication major, I worked in the VietNam Mobile telecommunication System company (VMS). During six months working there, my knowledge was broaden much in GSM network and computer network which was used to collect reports from all VMS's stations. But then I thought I needed to look for a more creative job for everything in VMS was always nearly completely done by the co-venture, the foreigners. With the knowledge I took in computer network, I aimed at a computer software programming field, where Vietnam can do alone and compete with other countries. Now I thank myself for that right decision
I was influenced by what the CEO in my current company, Global Cybersoft, said. "We are here to establish critical economies-of-scale and compete effectively in the challenging global software outsourcing business". I have been working two years in this company with that slogan in my mind. One of our products to which I contributed a lot is a software used to control and manage the motion and behavior of a specific robot in an IC manufacturing factory. After nearly one year of hard working, this product was demonstrated at the SEMICON West fair of solutions for factory automation in semiconductor field organized in San Jose and San Francisco in July 2001
With the goal to develop from a software programmer to a system analyzer and designer, and then to a consultant in fields where automation is applied, I do my best to broaden my knowledge. I attended talkings, seminars and few-day courses held in my company and university. Those seminars and courses were about many things from pure programming to database, to visual modeling, a modeling where everything is presented in diagram, to high technologies in programming and to ISO 9001 as well. One of those seminars is about Artificial Intelligence (AI).AI is applied to create programs capable of working with data which both human and machine can understand. It is so promising and so interesting that I decided to do a research about using AI in world wide web to make a more powerful web. This research started in June and will last for about 9 months
During the time of working and reaping knowledge, I desire for a systematic education. Such an education will help me approach my wish of earning an master degree in Computer Science and following this up with a Ph.D. Then I can go farther by utizing the high-quality, low-cost technical expertise available in Viet Nam to provide software products and software outsourcing services all over the world. This work will have an important meaning of not only making myself rich but demonstrating that Viet Nam's engineers are capable of keeping up with fast changing technologies, adapting to innovation and making a productive contribution to global technology
With my interests of Artificial Intelligence and computer programming, I hope to study abroad for a few years, in the process of deepening my personal and academic understanding in Information Technology. In the long run, I envision for myself a person who contributes all the knowledge, experiences and heart to the development of Viet Nam in Asia and in the world
The first time I did some thing which can be called programming was on a programmable pocket calculator. This was a gift from my father when I finished my 9th grade and was eligible to enter one of the most famous high school here, the Le Hong Phong high school. I played with this intelligent toy - that was what I think of it at that time - for one month until my mathematic problems were too difficult to be solved on my calculator. Then I passed the entrance test to the Ho Chi Minh city University of Technoloy and chose the Telecommunication department of the Electric and Electronic faculty with the goal of grasbing the fundamentals of Electronics and Computers.
英国留学会计、金融与投资PS(个人陈述)写作模板一 英国留学计算机科学PS(个人陈述)写作模板四
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