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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2011-5-12
61.private proerty is inviolable
62.did a great service for society
63.He is faced with problem of finding a high-paying job related to his past studies and interest.
64.pursure sth to the highest extent
65.For people fresh from universities,experience is what they are in great need of.
66.Work experience is equivalent to work expertise.
67.Conversely, aiming at a position beyond one's ability at the beginning of the interview,thought it appears to show ambition,usually proves to be impractical,and is therefore doomed a failure.
68.This dose involve some expence in terms of good food and medical treatment.
70.They only eat the leftovers of family meals
71.Sensational stories such as these cause great uhappiness to the people concerned.
72.They are highly-skilled professionals who are aware of all the latest development in their fields of interest.
73.develop many interpersonal skills and become more tolerate,more emotionally mature
74.They adapt so much to weatern culture that they have problems readjusting when they finally return home.
75.infrastructure such as road system and electricity supply
76.Both government and private groups can share in the provision of most services.
77.sth is not an essential feature of modern education.
78.I believe that sth can lead to many problems, which might not be solved easily.
79.Jealousy can be very destructive, especiall at an early age.
80.There are often many difficult issues to cope with.
81.Today's youth are better informed than their parents were, and, therefore, might be more capable of making a relationship succeed.
82.cut short one's lifetime
83.sth may be right logically,they are certainly wrong morally.
84.arrange sb's time
85.handle various unexpected crisis
86.Whether or not a part-time job is useful for a student's future depends on the type of job chosen.
87.The tuition fees, not to mention the cost of living, are soaring by the day.
88.benefit not only A, but also B as well
89.Nevertheless, along with convenicnces, it has brought mankind new problems to solve.
90.Internet can vastly improve the efficiency of scientific research.
雅思写作100个高分句型(4) 雅思写作100个高分句型(2)
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