Speaking: Tiem:2:35-2:50 Interviewer: Canadian 30 something male S1: 1) name 2) from where :北京,the capital of china, it is a every old and modern city as well as a culture center and showcase of china. I lived there since I was born and now I am doing my ph.D here. 我设计了两个潜在话题:hometown and study. 我不想按新东方的口语套路在from where 的时候就讲hometown 细节,那样会让考官觉得你在刻意背书,而不是正常对话。
2) something about hometown ?:我从3000 年前和历代都城的old,讲到2008的modern 再讲海纳百川minority nationalities provide with different culture, custom, clothing, and food. 我就当我是个大明星和大学者在接受采访。显然不谈到建筑和社会都不行,这为考官又埋了两个地雷。 3) the most important building in your hometown?: 感谢朱莉的指点说应该是tian anmen rostrum。分几方面:location: is in the center of beijing, facing the famous tian anmen square, over the main gate of forbidden city. Looks like: large high red traditional with curve eaves and decorated by painting. Function: 600 years ago to announce crucial issues- when new emperor enthroned and princess set up, nowadays, celebrate ABC and is for tourists.
4) the most important occasion?春节啦还用问,三点:when and what : lunar Chinese new year, week long holiday; what to do: all the family get together ,give red packet of money to children and unmarried adults, make such food as dumpling and niangao, play firework and firecrackers, keep the light on all the night. Legend : a sprite will come with bad luck to people who meet it. The sprite is afraid of fire and sound , so that people, for the sake of avoiding from meeting it, do ABC. Other legend why eat that food: smoothly get into a now year and get better, more prosperous. 总结,I believe by now you have some ideas of ABC, 他点点头,我是不是特象个学者。
5) what place wanna travel in your country? Qingdao, 因为德国风格,我背过它的百年史耶。
S2: Card: About your englinsh learning . where and when did you start to learn English? Describe a most interesting English class. And what is the best way to learn english?
我最爱讲故事啦,值得说的当然是第二部分啦,interesting 嘛:conversation class, Canadian teacher lecture 让同学猜意思exp1)when stars are out, it is visible? Yes . when fire is out it is visible? No. 想不出的好例吧。 exp2) english is a kind of crazy language when you guess meaning: he taught us the word vegetarian is a man who eat vegetable, then wrote an other on the black board- humanitarian, god! What dose he eat? 考官大笑。还想乘胜讲no ham in hamburgers, English muffin 不是英国的,french fries 不是法国的,后来又恐虎头蛇尾就赶紧turn to 下部分啦。
S3: general questions: Do you think learning English will benefit to your first language study? 死啦,不是因为我英语不好是我肚子里真的没有。很明显他不想让我得8分以上。 What is the most difficulty when a foreigner learn Chinese? 当然1)tone, 2) stroke spelling Do you happen to learn some other languages? 当然啦,我Ph.D. 嘛,要求的。 还有哇我有计划宏图嘛。
建议: in the first place, 真功夫要练learn speaking by speaking,最新消息要看especially the answer , experience and recommendation of others who have taken the test.
In the second place, 出国考试呀,advantages: 1) few candidates results in applying easier, only 2 weeks before, and get results sooner, only 2 weeks after. 2) Get high score in that knowing answer before test. Not only me, but also 2 schoolmates and friends of mine, who got a 7 and a 7.5 last May, enjoyed the happiness, at that time, the visions being used here were also the same as in china. 这不算作弊吧。 3) 口语有心理优势嘛,因为公认的中国人good at English, 考官也这么想。而且就你是中国人不给你高分给谁呀。 4) 躲开国内高手们的竞争压力,就是如果考fofel 能得640的那些人,你想,考官怎么能给所有人口语高分呢?他要正态分布的成绩曲线。不要觉得自己差,才550,那是因为你跟中国人比,出来才会客观评价你自己,这也很satisfactory 啦,因为别人更次,至少釜山这里是这样。 5) 借机会还能旅游一趟以奖励自己的好成绩。 Disadvantage : cost more, need help.
Last but not least, 感谢: 我,中国留学生,寒假回家念了10天新东方寒假班YZ203。2月报名,3月考试。近两个月来一直关注网上的留言并和一些留言高手保持联络以请教和求助。今天考完满怀感激。谨以此篇献给新东方,手拉手,tigzag,所有帮助过我,留言的人,我的家人和朋友 in token of appreciation and affection.
By the way, I can be touched at fancyhog@hotmail.com if you need any assistance, I’d love to do my best to help you as how seniors help me.