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出处: Nancy , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2012-3-14

  Naturally, my parents have always wished me great success in my professional life, but in a working-class family, having a good career meant making more money and living more comfortably. However, I wish to purse a career that will allow me to expand my mind and experience the world around me.

  While earning money and providing for my family are two extremely important goals to achieve in one’s professional life, the intangible intellectual growth and development that I can gain from studying are just as vital to my survival as financial security. I am prepared to put all my energy into the pursuit of a university degree; studying languages will help me realise my goals and ambitions of becoming a well-rounded member of society, no matter what career I choose to pursue upon graduation.

  Studying languages will fulfil me in many different ways. I have always enjoyed travelling and learning about other cultures, and the only effective way to become familiar with other cultures is to spend a significant period of time immersed in it. You must speak the language to understand cultural intricacies, and although one may never have the capacity to escape completely the world perspective forged by one’s native culture, an international hybrid viewpoint is unique and just as valid as any other.

  Being able to engage directly with native speakers will help me to see the world from their perspective, and only by relating with others in a respectful manner can we overcome national differences. It is such an exciting feeling to talk to people in their native language and not have to rely on their ability to speak English. I look forward to devoting my academic attention on languages.

  In school, I have studied German, and I have already reaped the fruits of the time and effort I have put forth. I was among the top ten foreign language students in my school and was chosen to participate in an educational excursion to Germany. For one week, we were allowed to sit in on business meetings and attend government conferences. Conversing in a new language and understanding business in another culture were both challenging and exciting, and this invaluable experience revealed to me that language truly is a key that opens many doors.

  In order to successfully open these doors, I will have to continue dedicating myself to study. Fortunately, I have always been a hard worker and an academic achiever, attributes that have given me the confidence to begin university studies.

  I rank second in my class at school and have served for three years as Chairman of the Foreign Language Society. This has contributed to the development of my leadership and interpersonal skills by having to organise and chair meetings, as well as performing all the administrative duties. Furthermore, participating in the society has forced me to manage my time precisely in order to maintain the balance between studies and extra-curricular activities.

  I am confident that languages will be the bridge that has led me to the right career path. I will be able to learn copious amounts about world politics, religion, and current affairs. This will change the way I think about my own country, and will make me a better citizen and a more intelligent and compassionate individual. I will be able to realise my own dreams and make my parents proud in the process.

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