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出处: Nancy , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2012-3-7

  Ray Bradbury once wrote: ‘If you did not write every day, the poisons would accumulate and you would begin to die, or act crazy or both - you must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you’. This statement perfectly sums up my deep passion for writing and reading; I view novels and poems as paths to a deeper understanding of human behaviour and the world around us.

  The words we read can teach us much about the world and its history, and greater still, most pieces of literature serve as a mere starting point for the plethora of ideas authors or poets wishes to describe through their work.

  I have learnt to extract meaning by and articulation of interpretation by studying English at A-level. This choice of study has not only given me the opportunity to appreciate works of literature, but has also allowed me to develop my imagination. Furthermore, I have come to learn the different functions that literary works can serve.

  I have always been interested in the debate of moral issues and feel that so many of the great works that we study perform a duel purpose of entertaining the reader and discussing moral and historical issues. Reading between the lines of works by the likes of Chaucer and Shakespeare to Hemmingway and Steinbeck reveals an often subtle commentary on the era in which the works were written.

  With this analytical approach to reading, I make an effort to read books that represent many different genres to gain a more global viewpoint.

  For instance, I particularly enjoy reading books that contain interesting physiological ideas interwoven into the narrative.

  One of my favourite authors is Iris Murdoch, who views human beings as ‘accidental’ creatures who are purportedly free, but whose self-awareness and existence in a social order and the natural world form constrictive boundaries.

  From my studies of English, I possess the ability to derive these deep meanings from literary works, and at the same time I realise that there exist many more that I have yet to discover.

  As an avid reader and passionate writer, I have attempted writing in such a meaningful manner. Fortunately, my extra-curricular activities have allowed me to pursue my interest in English beyond the normal syllabus. I contribute regularly to the college magazine and participate in editing other articles for inclusion. I have recently been attending an evening course for creative writing, which is taught by a published writer who has given me valuable criticism on my writing style and has started me down the path of becoming an author.

  In order to become a successful writer and further hone my writing skills, I wish to continue my studies of English at university. It will serve as a catalyst for my own writing and extend my knowledge of a subject for which I have developed a great enthusiasm.

  I believe that university will provide me not only with an excellent education, but also with experiences that will enrich my writing. Heeding Ray Bradbury’s warning, I must pursue my reading and writing to avoid reality encroaching on my being.

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申请英语专业PS:我有一个写作梦 你一定从没见过的“马学”专业申请文书!
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