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personal statement商科范例(三)

出处: Cherry , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2012-1-18

  After thoroughly researching my options at university, my mind has been fixed on a course in Business. The general use of a degree course in this area will allow me access to a broad range of jobs after I finish and as I am not certain about the career path I would like to take, this will be beneficial to me.

  I have worked in a local convenience store for almost two years, and have seen many aspects of the business. Initially I was only involved in the customer service and re-stocking aspects, but have become more involved taking responsibility for cashing up and I am often left alone to look after the store.

  I have been a prefect and so have been responsible for younger students and their behaviour. This also involved me in the school memorial service for those who died in the World Wars.

  I have used computers a lot and am confident using word processors, having used them for much of my coursework.. I also regularly use computers in my spare time.

  I am a committed and reliable person, having missed very few days of school or work, those that I did miss were due to illness.

  I have always been motivated and always try to make sure my work is completed by the deadlines and to a high quality.

  I have a strong interest in jazz and always attend a local jazz night. I tried to learn the saxophone, but was unable to find a regular teacher. This is something I hope to get into again at university.

  I read and enjoy spending time with different social groups. I also get involved in sport and have played football, tennis, rugby, and hockey. I enjoy swimming and going to the gym as well.

personal statement法律范例(一) personal statement商科范例(二)
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