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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-13
Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement
I have always been interested in Biology and Chemistry. I find them stimulating and challenging subjects, and over the years of studying them both, my interest in them has increased. This is why studying biomedical sciences at university is an ideal choice for me
This year, whilst studying for my AS level subjects, I attended a Biology Conference at Westminster Centre Hall to increase my understanding of today's biological world. There were a variety of speakers; I was particularly fascinated by Professor Lord Robert Winston's lecture on infertility and IVF, the concepts of it, and the morality behind reproductive manipulation, which also discussed how acceptable it is to interfere with human reproduction just because the technology to do so exists. Another lecture I found captivating was by Professor Gordon McVie, on cancer cells, which illustrated what happens to cells to cause them to develop into tumours. I enhanced my knowledge about these subjects from the magazine 'Biological Sciences', which includes articles from various professors and doctors. Over the past year this magazine has stimulated my interest in biology and medicine. By reading it I have increased my understanding of the influence of today's biotechnology and the ethical problems resulting from it, which has lead me to believe that bioethics plays a significant role in the developments in medicine. This understanding of the concepts has allowed me to question the right and wrong of some of the issues, and how the law fits in. Another feature I have found intriguing is the conservation of biodiversity, which does not just include biological factors but also cultural, social and economic ones
Over the summer 2004, I completed work experience within a GP's surgery, where I was able to sit in on doctor- patient sessions, where permissible. This amplified my perception of doctor-patient relationships and allowed me to view what demands are made upon a doctor
At school, I am a laboratory assistant in the Chemistry department, where I help set up experiments for coming lessons. Also during school hours, I attend a veteran's home; St David's, where I talk to the people there and build an understanding of their lives, something I find is rewarding on both parties. My mathematical studies have allowed me to think logically and also stimulate my mind. I have done the intermediate mathematical challenge and received a gold and silver; I will soon be taking the senior mathematical challenge. History has helped me develop vital analytical skills and helped me understand the importance of past mistakes. In Chemistry, I find the organic side of the course more thought provoking, especially making drugs such as aspirin and acquiring knowledge of its history
Biology is where my interest of studying Biomedical sciences stems from, as it explains a world not visible to the eye, yet plays a central role in everyday life
Out of school, I partake in life drawing classes; this motivates my interest in art and allows me to think in a broader manner. I find it is an exercise that expands my thoughts, leading to more diverse ideas, which I feel is important, in comparison to thinking within set boundaries. I have a weekend job at Waterstone's and this allows me to interact with people and help develop my communication skills. It has also helped me build up my team working skills, which helps me to be a more reliable and trustworthy person. I also tutor for 11+ plus exams, in which I help children with their mathematics, reading and verbal reasoning skills. This is a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. My school and out of school activities have allowed me to increase my ability to manage my time, which I believe has considerable importance for studying Biomedical Sciences.
英国留学商科个人陈述(PS)模板1 英国留学生物技术个人陈述(PS)模板1
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