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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-13
Biochemistry Personal Statement 生物化学个人陈述(PS)
I have always been brimming with questions about the how and why of the world around me. In fact, one of my biology teachers once commented in response to my constant questioning that I was an extremely curious student and a pleasure to have in class. When in the 8th grade we began studying the three sciences independently, I developed a special affinity towards biology and chemistry. Medicine was the first thought that came to mind when I thought about a career in Biology and Chemistry but I could not foresee myself working in a clinic on a day to day basis. I was then introduced to my first Robin Cook book, ‘Fever’, the first of many to follow. It was then that I realised how dependent the medical community is on research and that there are a myriad career options that are open to a research scientist.
Being a student of the International Baccalaureate program, I got a lot of exposure to laboratory work which I thoroughly enjoyed. The International Baccalaureate encourages its students to question knowledge and test theories for themselves, an approach which suited me perfectly. The interdisciplinary approach of the program to science helped me broaden my perspective of the scope of research and crystallised my decision to study a course in molecular biochemistry. India is on the threshold of becoming a world leader in clinical research, however, the fact still remains that the leadership in innovative research still lies in the hands of scientists trained in the universities of Europe is what prompted me to apply to the your university.
What amazes me about this line of study is how all living organisms whether complex or simple ultimately are a collection of cells, entities so tiny and yet so powerful that they determine the nature of the organism. DNA is nothing more than a chemical compound but what is it that gives it the capability to determine the characteristics of an organism? How is it that cells communicate using chemistry? What molecular activity determines the genetic makeup of a species? The wide range of interrelated modules offered by your university will lay a strong foundation before I narrow down the scope of my education. My love and appreciation of nature’s mysteries has been strengthened through numerous treks, camps and equestrian training and has found application to this field of study.
Your university’s state of the art research facilities are what attracted me to apply to your undergraduate course since the line of study and work that I plan to follow requires just that. The opportunity to meet and interact with the eminent scientists who are members of the faculty is something I really look forward to.
My tenure as Head Girl and years in boarding school have honed my organisational and communication skills and developed a sense of team spirit and responsibility which will aid my academic and personal interactions at university. Being in an international environment will contribute to the shaping of my ideas on moral issues like the ethics of cloning and stem cell research which need to be addressed by the research fraternity, of which I aspire to become a part. I realise that the program requires commitment and hard work and assure you that I will make a positive contribution to your department/it. I hope to have the opportunity to interact with other international and local students to further my interest in drama and theatre, my passion for music and my love for sports. It would be a privilege to be an active and involved member of the student community and to study at your university.
获剑桥大学等五所名校录取的英语专业PS(个人陈述) 英国留学生物工程个人陈述(PS)模板1
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