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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-13
Media and Communications Personal Statement
My ultimate career objective is to become a freelance writer using bilingual skills in the broad media industry. Making use of my experience as a copywriter, I want to extend the possibility of my career in the literary profession by acquiring not only English skills but professional knowledge gained from the Media and Communications degree course
My affinity with languages stems originally from my primary school where I received several awards in annual essay-writing competitions
Being encouraged by teachers and parents, I gained great confidence and interest in languages. Reading has always been one of my most enjoyable activities since infancy. In order to broaden my communication and cultural horizons, I majored in German at my junior college. During this time, I also studied English in London. My passion for learning foreign languages developed after this opportunity and following this I enrolled in a French and Spanish class as a part time student at the NANZAN community college
As for my business career, I did not hesitate in choosing to be a copywriter because I felt I could contribute to the advertising industry using my perceptive and articulate nature. I have worked in this field for nine years and have been engaged in a wide range of advertising, such as making print works, planning campaigns and producing TV commercials. These experiences have undoubtedly enhanced not only my creativity but also my flexibility, multilateral thinking and managing ability. Through participating in following the progress of sales promotions, I recognized the importance of having convictions which are created through genuine involvement, a relationship and dialogue
These qualities enlightened my focus on furthering my career. As a matter of fact, clients now demand work that communicates to people across national boundaries. Accordingly, I hope studying will enable me to further develop my knowledge and skills so I can gain wide opportunities as a in future work placement
I have great ambitions, and self-determination to carry me through a challenging university degree. Diligence, enthusiasm and an abundance of energy are my strengths, also paying close attention to detail with the ability to work under pressure if need be. My work experiences so far makes me confident that I could will enjoy a successful university career.
英国留学数学专业个人陈述(PS)模板1 英国留学音乐专业个人陈述(PS)模板1
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