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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2011-1-20

牛津大学医学专业PS(个人陈述)    Medicine Personal Statement

Disease can take everything from us; potentially undermining our capacity to meet challenges, seek happiness or improve ourselves. Valuing all of these things within myself, one of the most frustrating things I have had to witness is people being unable to do the same. We cannot give people happiness, but effective healthcare can give people the chance to seek their own.

Of course, healthcare has many facets; but a longing to ask 'why?', and also to question the answer, has helped lead me toward medicine. Whilst at college, exploring the human body, more intricate than any man-made machine, has helped me feed this fascination. Case studies like cystic fibrosis made it especially relevant. In addition, books such as 'The Chemistry of Life' and 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife For His Hat' have helped me extend my passion past the scope of the curriculum, engaging with ideas independently.

Furthermore, AS Perspectives on Science has developed my ability and desire to interact with the medical world. The course culminated in an extended report in which I chose to discuss the scientific and ethical implications of HIV testing; questioning issues such as the extent to which patient autonomy should be endorsed. This has been enormously satisfying, and my drive to learn about medical cause, effect and treatment has only increased. Along with my Philosophy course, this has helped to shape the way I think about the world and given me the tools, and opportunity, to engage with other people and their ideas.

I have always had a need to help people. More recently, highlighted by volunteering at St. Michael's Hospice, I have developed my devotion to caring. Assisting in providing palliative care has been a difficult but exceptionally rewarding experience. Each time I connected with a patient, I felt I had added something to his or her day, if only for a little while. To then find the following week that they had deteriorated was hard, but pushed me to persevere. Perhaps the most poignant lesson I have learned is that, however much we wish otherwise, there is a limit to what we can do for people; there will be times when I am faced with helplessness. Complementing this, partaking in a project evaluating sexual health services has given me the chance to help spur improvement. But more importantly, analysing healthcare from a patient perspective emphasised the fundamental need for integrity, effective communication and understanding. Hence, all of my volunteer work has helped me to develop, among others, my sensitivity and interpersonal skills.

Additionally, teaching myself piano and exploring its complexities, I have had many opportunities to develop my dedication and independence. While in a youth folk band, I was chosen to participate in a music exchange. I enjoyed immersing myself in new cultures and, travelling around France and Germany, worked with musicians far more skillful than myself. Furthermore, my love of martial arts has also given me chances to push my limits. The more I practice both of these, the more I realise how much more there is to learn. Being elected as head boy in secondary school I also worked to progress other skills including teamwork as well as public speaking.

I recognise medicine is a difficult route, but it is the challenge which makes it more rewarding. Not only does it enable me to take my passion beyond college to a setting where my knowledge must constantly evolve, but, perhaps more importantly, it allows me to put this into practice in a meaningful way. I hope that in doing so I can give others the same opportunities I have had myself

牛津大学数学专业PS(个人陈述) 牛津大学法学PS(个人陈述)
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