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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-13
History Personal Statement 历史学个人陈述(PS)
I have always enjoyed studying the humanities, but in particular History. My interest in learning about the past began at an early age; school and family trips to historical sites such as the Tower of London, Canterbury and Stonehenge as a child were emotionally stimulating and deepened my appreciation for learning about the past
My fascination of history has been further fuelled by my A-Level studies of the subject. As a history student one of the first things I learnt about history is that there is never just one simple answer as to why certain events have taken place in the past. As a result of studying history I have been able to develop skills of analysis, researching and selecting appropriate material. I have also been able to critically evaluate primary and secondary sources, which has enabled me to make my own judgments and opinion on historical events
I have found the modules I have studied in history extremely interesting. In particular, I found studying the European Reformation an enlightening topic, which gave me insight into how religious changes throughout Europe in the 15th, and 16th century has shaped society and the world into what it is today. I also found it amazing how the events leading up to the Reformation had appeared insignificant yet would go on to have tremendous further consequences
From studying the Reformation my views on the world were changed significantly. I also found studying Henry VII interesting, what was fascinating was that, despite claiming the throne with weak claims he managed to secure his dynasty by tactfully controlling all aspects of his kingship
As a result of my interests in history and the humanities I would like to further and expand my studies and gain a much wider knowledge of the past. This particular course means that I will be given the chance to spread my studies across medieval and modern worlds and possibly combine History with another humanity. My main reason for choosing this university is because of its reputation in offering excellent facilities, resources and teaching. Also its location is very important, being centered in the capital of England, London, which is attractive for its vibrancy and culture. But more importantly London is a city full of history, as a history student I would have the positive opportunity to draw on the resources of a city which is the United Kingdom's centre of government, law, commerce, finance and culture which throughout centuries is and has been vital towards England's international success
While at school I was able to take on the role of form monitress, I was also awarded a sports leadership award in organizing and managing a netball team. I have also been involved in various charity work for the NSPCC. From these roles I was able to gain organization skills, which have become vital to me as a student in meeting deadlines
During my A/S levels I had a part time job working for a Woolworth's PLC store, my duties included cash handling, customer liaisons, and various other duties. It was while working there that I realized the importance of working as part of a team. During busy seasonal periods I was under great pressure to respond quickly to customer demands. Yet due to the co-operation of colleges and good teamwork, potential problems were avoided and customers were left satisfied
As a result of studying history I have developed a keen interest in visiting museums, art galleries and historical sites. I also enjoy reading 20th century literature. I also enjoy visiting theatres and socializing in my spare time
I am determined and highly motivated especially in studying subjects I enjoy. I strongly believe that being able to study history and possibly another humanity will give me the opportunity to develop a higher level of analylitical skills and knowledge, meaning I would be able to form a much more accurate opinion on events which have taken place in the past, which is essential as an historian.
英国留学古典学个人陈述(PS)模板1 获得伯恩茅斯大学录取的时尚管理个人陈述(PS)
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