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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-26
Law Personal Statement
Since studying the legal studies intermediate course, I have known that my goal has been to go to University and study a course related to Law. I chose this subject because I enjoy the context of it. I like the idea of Law and I have realised it is very influential in life. I have realised that Law is a very diverse subject which is linked to all kinds of courses and jobs. My favourite part of Law is Criminal Law, it interests me very much. I would like to study Law further in University. I am good at remembering things and I am very competitive
Hopefully, when I finish my education I will look to become a Barrister. It is to this end I wish to take up studying at HE level
I get on well with students on my course, people from work and all the staff. This is because I am very confident, polite and well mannered
Parts of the course I do involve working in teams to deliver presentations on various topics. I enjoy working and communicating with people and feel that I contribute a major part towards the team effort. I like to be the leading instructor in teamwork because I feel very confident in my ideas
I consider that me personality is outgoing, friendly and co-operative
Away from my studies, I enjoy socialising and participating in a variety of sports including football cricket and snooker. My best hobby is cricket; I really enjoy watching and playing it in my free time. I also play for a local club called 'Moorside Cricket Club'. I am the captain there and I attend every single match and training session. It is my responsibility to keep the discipline in the team and I think I do my job very well. In the past I also represented school teams, which contribute to sharing responsibilities. I also enjoy reading books, magazines, newspapers and other sources of information. I like to watch the local news as well as the World news
By doing this it gives me awareness of the new developments around the world. However, if there is work to be done, I concentrate 100% to complete my task on time. I am very good at meeting deadlines. I hand in all my assignments on time and also meet many other deadlines. I am very punctual and my attendance is at a very good standard
I wouldn't mind going to any University around the country because I am very independent and I know I will be able to cope with the principles of everyday University life
I work five days a week, on a part-time basis at the Youth Club, where I've met many different people and I have had experience of the outside industry. My job consists of working with young teenagers between the ages of 10-13. I give them different activities to do that relate to following the right path of life. E.g. drugs and other crimes. The job hasn't hindered my college work although I realise that a University course brings up other pressures, which may not allow me the opportunity to work on a part-time basis. This is only short-term as my main aim is to secure a good job and hopefully gain a degree at University, which will then help me to achieve this.
英国留学法律PS(个人陈述)写作模板3 英国留学法律PS(个人陈述)写作模板1
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