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Service and Standards

On 1 April 2005 we introduced new service standards for all schemes managed by WP(UK) which now measure the end-to-end process for applications and include the time taken to process payments.

We are currently collating the relevant data regarding our performance against the new service standards for applications made since 1 April 2005.

The following information sets out those service standards and where available, the approximate timescales for deciding applications. We will regularly update information about current time-scales. Current projections indicate that our performance across all workstreams is meeting the new service standards.

Work Permits and SBS

Service Standard: 70% of new applications to be decided within one week of receipt at our payment handling service and 90% within 3 weeks.

Current Performance (year to date)
% of applications decided within 1 week 74%
% of applications decided within 3 weeks 91%

If we need to make further checks or seek additional information, your application is more likely to fall into the category that can take up to 3 weeks or even longer.

Limited Leave to Remain

Service Standard: 70% of new applications to be decided within 4 weeks of receipt at our payment handling service and 90% within 9 weeks.

Current Performance (year to date)
% of applicants decided within 4 weeks 87%
% of applications decided within 9 weeks 97%

If we need to make further checks or seek additional information, your application is more likely to fall into the category that can take up to 9 weeks or even longer.


Service Standard: 50% of new applications to be decided within 5 weeks of receipt at our payment handling service and 90% within 14 weeks.

Current Performance (year to date)
% of applications devided within 5 weeks 80%
% of applications decided within 14 weeks 92%

If we need to make further checks or seek additional information, your application is more likely to fall into the category that can take up to 14 weeks or even longer.

We are also reducing the number of older HSMP cases as quickly as possible. The oldest applications now being processed were made in the week commencing 20 September 2004.

If you require an urgent decision on your HSMP application, you may submit an urgent treatment request fax or email to:

Fax: 0086 (0)10 87732390、1、2
Email: service@gotovisa.com


Service Standard: 70% of new applications to be decided within 2 weeks of receipt at our payment handling service and 90% within 4 weeks.

Current Performance (year to date)
% of applications decided within 2 weeks 75%
% of applications decided within 4 weeks 94%

If we need to make further checks or seek additional information, your application is more likely to fall into the category that can take up to 4 weeks or even longer.



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