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部分学生无法申请利物浦语言课程 只能重考雅思

出处: 本站原创   作者:优越大编011   发表时间: 2012-04-11



1. Liverpool 管理学院开设的全部课程、MA TESOL及MA Applied Linguistics 的配语言要求和其他课程的入学要求是不同的,具体标准:


2. 不提前支付申请费的申请,学校不作处理;但是交了申请费,又不满足语言入学要求而被拒的学生,申请费不能退,只有在拒签的情况下才可以退,且要扣除60镑的行政服务费。建议学生在申请前一定要确定满足入学要求再支付申请费。

3. 特殊课程的语言入学标准:

Management School

Direct Entry 6.5 with nothing less than 6.0

06 week PSE 6.0 with nothing less than 5.5

10 week PSE 6.0 with nothing less than 5.0

19 week PSE * 5.0 with nothing less than 4.5

29 week PSE * 4.5 with nothing less than 4.0


Direct Entry 7.0 with nothing less than 6.5

06 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 6.0

10 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 5.5

19 week PSE * 6.0 with nothing less than 5.5

MA Applied Linguistics

Direct Entry 7.0 with nothing less than 6.5

06 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 6.0

10 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 5.5

19 week PSE * 6.0 with nothing less than 5.5


