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5.个人陈述 PS(申请转学科硕士研究生需要提供)
PS范例 An Example of a Good Personal Statement

I currently major in BA Business Administration at ****** University, which is one of the top 100 universities in China, the best university in my province and a member of the 211 Project of elite research-led institutions in China. My GPA average score is approximately 84, which puts me in the top three of my class. My English ability is good and I score highly in my language examinations. Although I will not take my IELTS test before June I am confident that I can score at least 6.5.

I am writing in pursuit of postgraduate studies in Human Resource Management. During my undergraduate study I took courses on: International Marketing, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management etc. Through my studies, I realized Human Resource Management plays the pivotal role in communication and therefore performance between a company and its staff. Thus, I want to specialise in this field, and build an exciting career.

With the ever-increasing development of the China economy, more and more companies will establish or grow their Human Resource Department to solve their operational problems. I know that from a recent survey of foreign CEO’s in China, most listed HRM as the most problematic area of their operation in China. It is clear that people management lags behind China’s economic growth and that companies seeking to become successful, perhaps even global brands, must develop their HRM sectors

As a fourth-year student who is grounded solidly in Business Administration I also have studied some electives of Human Resource Management on: Recruitment and Placement, Labor Relations, Motivating Employees, and Training and Development. In the courses, I enjoyed the principle that good management can promote the relationship between people in the organization and between an individual and the organization.

Whilst studying I have worked, first as an office assistant and then as a consultant in a large study-abroad agency. From my experiences I realized the importance of an effective staff-training programme. Also I found that I was good at and enjoyed team leading and I believe I have the personal characteristics of confidence, resilience and exuberance that would allow me to excel in HRM.

My area of special interest is ROI from learning and self-development, as I believe this area offers the greatest growth opportunities to both the employer and employee and because it is quite a new concept to China. For me being a HR professional offers the opportunity to give benefit to both the individual worker and the big company and this is why it is the most rewarding of business specialisations.

I am attracted by the syllabus at ********** University because it offers a practical appreciation of the theory. And also the high quality of teaching and staff research attract me. Among your many candidates I am sure I will be among the most hardworking and contributive.

Upon completing the studies, I will return to China and begin my career in Human Resource Management. I hope to be able to make a difference to the companies I work in to make them more efficient and also more rewarding places to work.
1.材料准备,并传真给学校 (邮寄或邮件).
2.学术条件符合,15个工作日内发放第一份offer (此offer不能用于签证)。

          CAS的全称是The Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies,CAS并不是一张实际的纸质证书或证明,而只是一个具体的号码,就跟学生平时申请学校拿到的reference number一样,签证官在申请你的签证申请时可以通过特定的系统输入此CAS号码,通过系统可以看到你所申请的学校的课程信息、个人信息以及申请时所提交的材料等。

什么是硕士预科? 什么学生适合读硕士预科?
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