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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2011-5-12
31.This is one of the side effects brought about by this modern world.
32.Failure to take this responsibility constitutes delinquency as parents.
33.The juvenile crime rate will undoubtedly be rapidly brought down and controlled.
34.The overwhelming burden of educating children falls upon the teachers' shoulders.
35.job market
36.I feel that it is not too much to say that modern technology has reduced human beings to being slaves of machines.
37.care nothing about job satisfaction and enjoying life
38.but modern society makes this prospect less and less likely
39.This can serve as an incentive for successful enterprises to attract talented workers.
40.Fast food, as its name implies, is usually quick to prepare.
41.It saves your time.So that you can devote more energy to your work and gain competitive edge.
42.it is less tasty and less nutrition
43.Traditional foods generally involve elaborate preparations.
44.Like it or not, it is here to stay.
45.The co-existance of the two kinds of foods only makes our life more colorful.
46.People can no longer afforded to be computer-illiterate.
47.This will put this childern in an unfaorable position in the future job market.
48.You can still use your mind to think when you have a computer,and the use of computer and training in writing and calculate are not mutually cxclusive.
49.potential harmful impact on sb
50.such worries have proved to be unfounded
51.They don't care about winning or losing.
52.produce better foodstuffs in terms of quality and quantity
53.GM(Genetically modified) technology opens a new dimension for scientific research.
54.bring the whole plant growth process under our control
55.With careful regulation and control, the advantages wil far outweight the disadvantages.
56.high tuition fees 复数
57.make sure that money does not corrupt this international goodwill sports gathering
58.dissolve tensions between countries and promote harmony between their people
59.deter would-be crimials
雅思写作100个高分句型(3) 雅思写作100个高分句型(1)
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