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购物英语:At the Silk Shop 在绸布店

出处: fiona , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-12-24
Key Sentences(重点句子)

You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,don't you?


Is it made of pure Chinese silk?


It's velvety and the colour is brilliant.


Is the colour fast?


You can only wash it in lukewarm water.


What's the width?


It's two feet and four inches wide.


I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feet should I buy?


Let me take a measurement and calculate.


Seven feet will be enough.


By the way,what is the brand?


 It is well received the world over.

How much would that come to?


There is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there.


I think the pink one is quite good.


Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us.



Dialogue A

(A:Shop Assistant B:Mr. Smith C:Mrs. Smith)

B:(to C)You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,don't you?

C:Yes,I do. Let's have a look at the counter. Oh, they are very beautiful!

B:(to A) IS it made of pure Chinese silk?

A:Yes,it is. It's velvety and the colour is brilliant.

C:Is the colour fast?

A:Yes,it is.

C:Is it washable?

A:Yes,it is. But you have to be careful. You can only washit in lukewarm water. Don't rub. Just use soapy water and rinse well.

C:What's the width?

A:It's two feet and four inches wide.

C:I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feetshould I buy?

A:Let me take a measurement and calculate. Seven feet willbe enough.

C:By the way,what is the brand?

A:Double Horse.

C:Oh,it,s a famous brand.

A:Yes,it is well received the world over.

C:How much would that come to?

A:It costs you only twenty five yuan and fifty fen.

C:All right. I'll take this.

B:(to C)Jone,there is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there.

C:I think the pink one is quite good. Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us.

B:Very well. (to A)Have you any fur coat on sale?

A:Sorry,we don't sell fur coats. You had better visit the Shanghai Friendship Store and see whether they sell Chinese fur coats.

C:Do you sell lace?

A:Yes. The counter is over there. Let me show you the way.

C:Thanks a lot.

A:Not at all.


Dialogue B

A:Good afternoon,madam. Anything I can do for you?

B:Good afternoon. Will you show me some silk fabrics. please?

A:Yes,madam. We have many kinds of silk fabrics,There are Suzhou brocade and gauze…

B:Do you have natural silk fabrics?

A:Certainly,madam. We have brocade of natural silk and figured satin of natural silk. Which do you prefer,madam?

B:I want brocade. Will you please let me have a look at the best you have?

A:Yes,madam. Which color would like to have,dark or light?

B:I like light colors.

A:Here is a light one. It's orange. Will this do?

B:Oh,it seems a bit too loud. Will you show me some thing else?

A:Yes,madam. What about this color?

B:This one is fine. No wonder Chinese silk is so famous all over the world.

A:Well,China is the cradle of silk fabrics.

B:OK. Please give me two metres;if I'm not mistaken,that's equal to six Chinese chi. Am I right?(laughs)

A:Yes,madam. You're very good at figures.

B:Thank you. Er,I wonder if the silk piece's color won't go off.

A:As a matter of fact,all the materials here are colorfast.

But please wash it in lukewarm soap water and rinse well. Don't rub or wring it.


Words and Expressions 

velvety    a. 柔软光滑的;(酒)可口的

brilliant    a. (色彩)鲜明的

fast    a. 不褪色的

lukewarm    a. 微温的

soapy    a. 含有肥皂的

rinse    v. 冲洗

width    n. 宽度,阔度

fashion    n. 样子;方式,流行式样

in fashion 风行,流行

out of fashion 过时,不流行

measurement    n. 衡量,测量

calculate     v. 计算,核算

brand     n. 商标,牌子

cushion    n. 垫子,靠垫

pink    n. 桃红色,粉红色

fur    n. 毛皮,皮子

lace     n. 花边;饰带

satin    n. 缎子

wring    vt. 绞,拧

购物英语:At the Pastry Shop 在 购物英语:At the Porcelain Sho
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