

出处: 本站原创   作者:tim   发表时间: 2012-03-30

优越教育国际有限公司 (Premium Education Consultancy Ltd),又称 优越留学,是英国当地注册的正规教育咨询公司,受到中国教育部、英国工商局,英国外交部、伦敦使馆、英国移民局,英国本科官方招生中心(UCAS)多重认证。优越留学还拥有英国移民局招聘许可(Tier2 Sponsor License,这个与英国大学是同类别的,英国大学是Tier4 Sponsor License)。作为英国留学高端品牌,优越留学一直致力于提升留学质量与留学体验,在英国留学领域独树一帜!


英国工商局注册号0709 2225, 相关注册信息可直接联系英国工商部门www.companieshouse.gov.uk查询。 英国优越留学在中国地区进行的市场推广,招生合作,留学咨询等业务与服务通过其下属机构 - 上海优悦教育信息咨询有限公司 (及南京分公司)与 北京优粤教育咨询有限公司 进行。


Premium Education International Ltd. is a well established education consultation company certified by both the Britain Foreign Ministry and Embassy of the People's Republic of China in London, as well as the registered member of UCAS centre--the offical orginization for UK undergraduate application. With headquarter in London and China offices in Shanghai and Nanjing, we provide a full range of services to both individuals who wish to study in English-Speaking countries and educational institutions that require co-operation in the recruitment process. Our high reputation gained from the professional and excellent services we have offered has brought us hundreds of thousands of clients at home and abroad. Its registration number in the Companies House is 07092225 (www.companieshouse.gov.uk), and its subsidiaries in China are Shanghai Youyue Education Information Consultancy Co., Ltd and Bejing Youyue Education Consultancy Co., Ltd.  

优越教育国际有限公司总部处于英国伦敦,中国分部位于上海陆家嘴金融中心与八佰伴商业中心,北京东城区朝阳门,与南京新街口商业中心。在过去的超过10年里,优越留学一直致力于为广大留学, 移民的朋友提供包括 英国, 美国, 澳洲, 新西兰, 加拿大等国家的有关留学升学, 签证移民, 学术交流交流,假期游学等业务,我们一向坚信成功源于专业与执着。现阶段优越留学已与一批国内外项尖大学和教育机构建立长期的招生战略关系。我们在2013年里申请成功率达到100%,特别是进入2014年后,优越留学在全面总结过去数以万计的申请案例的基础上,全力打造更到位,更高效率,更专业化的一站式留学服务。


With our head office located at Liverpool Street – a financial district in London, the Shanghai branch located in Jinmao Tower at Lujiazui CBD, the Bejing branch located in Chaoyangmen SOHO at Chaoyangmen, and the Nanjing Branch located in International Business Centre at Xinjiekou business district, we have high-end district transportation connections across states, providing easy access and real conveniences to all. We have years of expertise and experience in overseas study applications and visa applications, and have thousands of successful applications being put through each year. We aim to provide the most professional, efficient and high quality services to all clients and business partners. Our success in the past years has gained us high reputation and recognition in the industry. 



1 独一无二的业内优势 Unbeatable Advantages




Being certified by both Britain Foreign Ministry and Embassy of the People's Republic of China in London, andcontinuously providing follow-on services across borders, we gained an long-term advantages over other agencies.




Our London head office and shanghai office have close contact at all times. We have a 24/7 coverage for external contact from all clients and partners. Our structure has given us a certain efficiency in dealing with all matters and issues in relation to applications, including high-speed international procedures, efficient communication with partners abroad, and the turn-around time at which we deal with follow-up services. 


List as a Tier 2 Sponser certified by the Home Office (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-workers), we have a strict stand to assess the performance of both our consultants and staff who are dealing with documents.



We have high standard in services we provide. A considerable number of staff dealing with application documents are recruited from overseas, and all core application materials must be checked through the most commonly used Anti-plagiarism system - "Turn-It-In" to secure the high quality of application documents.

名校案例丰富: 优越留学的顾问老师几乎是每年人手一个牛津或者剑桥的录取通知书。当然了,优越是不能与一些声称一年几十个牛津剑桥比较的,因为优越留学从来不比较吹牛。

全面的留学申请服务:作为英国留学的高端品牌,优越留学不仅仅对于普通的本科与硕士申请了如指掌,而且还有很多英国留学领域积累了大量经验,比如 英国博士申请,英国高中VIP申请,英国本地退学转学,英国UCAS补录,英国UCAS志愿设计,英国重读倒读,英国结婚签证,永居签证等项目。没错,这个全面性是其他留学机构所不可能达到的。





2 历年主要事件 Company History


2009年优越留学 联合 英国海月传媒 推出了“XLINK伦敦攻略中文地图”(http://londonmap.xlink-uk.com/),首次向在英华人提供了中文服务地图,把其留学服务扩展到留学生的生活,消费与日常出行。本地图的推出是优越留学在完善留学一站式服务上的一个很重要的里程碑。


We issued the first Chinese version of London map in 2009 - Xlink London Map, extending our services to the lives and consumptions of our students. It is a milestone for us in developing our one-in-all services.




We hold the "LoveUK Photography Competition" in 2010, which attracted more than 1000 students to participate, and this event caused a great influence on Chinese students in the UK.





In 2010, the representative office of Premium Education was established in Shanghai Lujiazui financial centre, beginning to promote its services in China mainland. Through two years of hard work, we built a very good reputation in the Chinese overseas study industry.




In 2013, we achieved a sucessful application rate of 100%. Compared to other competitors in the industry, we show a great advantage in both professionism and staff quality.




In April 2014, our Nanjing representative office began to operate, and we are awarded "The Most Important Overseas Study Agencies Registered in the UK in 2013" by a lot of media.




Premium Education always focuses on service and is dedicated to develop the most professional and efficient overseas study services. Choosing Premium Education, is your premium choice!!




